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  • DerIrrePolterer -

    Replied to the thread Healing in Coastal Waters.

    immer noch nicht? still not?
  • DerIrrePolterer -

    Replied to the thread Healing in Coastal Waters.

    kann keiner was dazu sagen? nobody an answer?
  • potato -

    Posted the thread How to merge carriers?.

    Some carriers can’t merge when together, anything I can do?
  • potato -

    Posted the thread How can I post in discord channel?.

    I joined discord server but all channels says “you can’t post in this channel”.
  • DerIrrePolterer -

    Replied to the thread Healing in Coastal Waters.

    ich hab seit einiger Zeit nicht mehr gespielt ... früher konnte man Landeinheiten in Küstengewässern stationieren (Transport) und sie heilten 2 HP am Tag. Ich hab jetzt ein Spiel wo mein Inf-Offi geheilt wurde, allerdings nur bis ca. 80%, dann…
  • StoneMaster -

    Posted the thread How can I recover my rank?.

    Hi all. I did posted my trouble on bugs, but nobody said nothing about. A couple of month without playing, and im back but my rank say "level 1" (I was 75 or more). Is amazing that nobody help (really this is a serious forum?, what kind of job are…
  • DerIrrePolterer -

    Posted the thread Healing in Coastal Waters.

    i did not play for some time, so i'm not sure about healing in coastal waters. in the past one could heal ground units when setting them into coastal waters, converting them to transports. they did heal about 2 hp/day. i play 2 games and want to heal an…
  • shrek6satan -

    Replied to the thread Island nations the worst countries to play?.

    I'm sorry but i think guys like teburu or that guy with the captain profile or whatever need to accept OP is right on this one. Navy in terms of expansion is much more innefective than regular units on land and it's pain int the ass to defend dusing only…
  • StoneMaster -

    Posted the thread Rank reset to level 1.

    Hi all. A couple of moths without playing, then I back and ... surprise! My Rank is level 1. Weird because my Statics (49% won games ... bla bla bla), are there. So, what happened here?, when my Rank will come back? Thanks a lot for a reply.
  • DerIrrePolterer -

    Posted the thread Healing in Coastal Waters.

    i did not play for some time, so i'm not sure about healing in coastal waters. in the past one could heal ground units when setting them into coastal waters, converting them to transports. they did heal about 2 hp/day. i play 2 games and want to heal an…
  • DerIrrePolterer -

    Replied to the thread Dmg. vs. grounded airplanes.

    thanks for the reply, but i already know that ASF do only light damage. But Grounded Aircraft should not do as much damage to attacking units like when in the air?!
  • BlacK9nZ -

    Posted the thread Gold not received after win.

    hello, this is my game: #8773021 Game name: Ops Dead I have won the game with my coalition but I didnt receive any gold - t-Zdeo5hBVQ6Here is a screenshot that doesnt show my gold win
  • BlacK9nZ -

    Posted the thread Gold not received after a win.

    hello, this is my game: #8773021 Game name: Ops Dead I have won the game with my coalition but I didnt receive any gold
  • CUMmunist -

    Replied to the thread Русское комьюнити КоН в дс.

    срок действия ссылки истек
  • Bigtallnerd419 -

    Liked KFGauss’s post in the thread The Price of Victory.

    Like (Post)
    Quote from The Pale Rider: “. . . Hey CoN Ill work on commission when making golders burn $$ 8o . . . ” Side topic - Could some enterprising teenagers earn some non-trivial spending money (enough for a weekly cheap date night) by selling their services…
  • Bigtallnerd419 -

    Liked GraniteDust’s post in the thread Air Assault.

    Like (Post)
    Air Assault for towed artillery units can be quite effective in making them much more mobile than Mobile Anti-Air units, which can't fly between airports until late. It is also good for attacking a big bot city, and then as soon as the bot sends out an…
  • Bigtallnerd419 -

    Replied to the thread Losing while killing.

    Currently I have 3 NG 7 mot inf 1 CRV 1 ASF All of those are level 1. I also have 7 level 3 frigates + naval officer level 1 2 level 1 ballistic subs 8 level 6 heavy bombers In addition I have 14 conventional warheads 3 chemical warheads 2 nuclear…
  • Bigtallnerd419 -

    Posted the thread Losing while killing.

    In my game as Cuba in Flashpoint, I have gotten partially overrun by a coalition of UK, Baltic States, and Algeria. However, right now my casualty counts against them are Algeria: lost 3855 to 20469 Baltic States: 8413 to 23002 United Kingdom: 5655 to…
  • Captain Ash -

    Replied to the thread TDS SAMS MAA.

    Quote from Teburu: “Quote from Aggressor X: “In reality 1 Sams can target the helos 2 TDS can target jets effectively 3 MAA cannot target jets nor bombers effectively Making the game more realistic is not something bad S400 considered as TDS and it…
  • Captain Ash -

    Liked Kalrakh’s post in the thread Shore bombardment.

    Like (Post)
    Missiles are part of the basic armament of ships, they are not using cannons only, even though the animation might look like. Same as attack choppers which are strong against armored units because their main attack is anti-armor missiles. Subs on the…