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  • Rework Melee to Air Combat

    Roots Naggy - - Suggestions


    Quote from Flat Stanley: “This is an issue that is going on for months now, ever since the season 8 update. Its really a big deal in the first ~5 days of game because that's when most players are still using mot. inf and basic attack helo. Currently heli gunship at lvl 1 deals 7 atk damage on unarmored targets with a 50% hp buffer while in air. Mot inf at lvl 1 has only 0.3 def on air and 0.6 def on heli. \Even mobile aa has to be at least lvl 4 to offer significant resistance to air/heli units,…

  • Toxic

    Roots Naggy - - Questions & Answers


    Quote from Flat Stanley: “Quote from Tifo_14: “As most of you know, when a chemical or ballistic missile hits a city it contaminates the area, making it "toxic". The owner of the city must then decontaminate it to be able to build/produce. I know that certain units like special forces can enter the cities, but I am wondering if insurgents/rogue state units can enter as well? An enemy of mine nuked one of my cities and now it is at 18% morale, there are only 3 hours until day change and my specia…

  • The second longest reigning monarch in history, Queen Elizabeth II has seen it all, from the Purges to Putin. We will always miss you here in Russia. R.I.P.

  • Quote from ewac123: “Quote from PaskalSF: “Based…2a20fd1543bc347e4b719bd8d ” I was about to give you a nice like, but then I saw you liking your OWN posts. ” Oh yeah it’s the new trend, everyone’s doin it now...