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  • Customized Tags for Single Units

    OttokarV - - Suggestions


    Although the AI automatically numbers the Divisions, Squadrons, Wings, Task Forces and so forth, which is top notch , there is still a shadow zone is that process. Some individual size navy units show up like 14th Corvette, 6th Frigate, or 23rd Destroyer. There is no such thing in the reality. One should either add the word 'Division' or 'Flotilla'. Or even better, why not giving the option of entering the name of your favorite ships? which would be really, really cool... That option could be ex…

  • Market

    OttokarV - - Suggestions


    Nice Market Feature! However, the Buy/Sell mechanism might be a little confusing at the beginning if one does not manage to discern the "You Buy" from the "They Buy". Even further down the road, you have to have some kind of mnemonic to be able to discern which is which. Clearly IMHO, the following slight addendum would help ALOT. My suggestion: Replace the "Buy" with either "You Buy" or "They Buy" whatever the case may be and wherever it's needed. Same thing with the "You Sell", "They Sell".