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  • So, it's Day 8, most players already left the game and this is still not fixed

  • Got a direct message. (strategic reasons )

  • One tried that and still wasn't able to.

  • Quote from Marshal Zhukov: “Is it because they cannot see the apply button? On smaller screens it is cut off and the user must zoom out at the browser level to see it. CTRL - usually works on most browsers ” I can ask, but it would be a pretty strange coincidence that four people in a game suddenly have way to small screens. Also, I play on two screens, one of them is small, too, and everything works fine. It just breaks a line into two lines. I'll ask them anyway.

  • Yes. We have been trying this for days now. I've asked multiple players and they all said they can not even push apply.

  • Hey Team, people are not able to join coalitions in the game 2248864 they only can create coalitions. Multiple people I've talked with have that problem. They can't join my coalition nor any other coalition and only can create new ones.

  • Quote from Last warrior: “c) Cold War was not end diplomaticaly, USSR was infiltrated and lost mind battle of common citizens. Ruined economy is not diplomatical key. ” Wow, seems likey someone really believes american propaganda. Quote from Last warrior: “a) Korean War is not solved till novadays. ” Even stupid Wikipedia knows better. Quote from Last warrior: “b) India's Indepence was paid with world war second blood. British empire was not able have colonies an…

  • API

    pxlmnrch - - Questions & Answers


    Oh yes, I got so many ideas. I am a statistic freak and love to create multiple strategies with multiple backups which would be so awesome to create And yes, this could really be a great way to show new players some standards through old campaigns

  • API

    pxlmnrch - - Questions & Answers


    Quote from Germanico: “Indeed this is an valid topic to discuss. I must state that having an API open to the players at some point in time would indeed be very cool. If feasible in the near to medium future I really can't say and would need to discuss with my leads. Thanks for the idea though - will add it to our backlog for further analysis. //G ” Very welcome For that topic, you could check out the EVE API based on (I hope linking to another games API isn't a breach of the rules/adv…

  • No offense taken, I grew up in the interwebs and experienced all kinds of support "styles" The the feature itself: Sure, it makes sense, it comes with a risk of abuse, but Multi-Accounting can also happen without this feature Hearing about the "Liberation" feature, it sounds pretty fine and makes me think of some other feature I will try to explain some time soon in another thread. Thank you for the explanation, G.

  • API

    pxlmnrch - - Questions & Answers


    Quote from Opulon: “No API, for what i know. Neither REST or Soap. I don't think the community is big enough to legitimate a ” Rest and Soap are APIs, just saying Not all APIs are REST but al REST services are an API But yeah, I know that from eve online, it has a really huge API that is very helpful especially for alliances to manage the members and do strategies

  • Quote from Germanico: “Our game surely isn’t called diplomacy of nations. For a reason. So please tell me when was the last time one of the nations in the game ceded a part of it to another one by peaceful means? How about the Crimea and east Ukraine? East Timor? Cashmir? South Sudan? Notice something? They all have one thing in common... war aka conflict. You just arrived a bit late to the party unfortunately - cause we had trading in the game and guess what: players were abusing it massively. …

  • API

    pxlmnrch - - Questions & Answers


    Hello Community, hello Team, quick question, is there an API to the game? Features I am seeking for: - Region/City list with names output based on gamemode - Players in the game, their Coalition, City count, Regions, VPs and relation to other countries (may be tactical too much, but it would be harder to code the API for a dev login linked to your account to get only your relation to the players) and Player Type (Active, Inactive, NPC) - Your own production statistics (same for countries with sh…

  • Quote from Germanico: “... I am sure you are an old Call of War player enjoying gifting New York to Spain or the like, and that’s fine there, but not on my watch in CON. Sorry. ” pretty much regression orientated, isn't it? You could instead make it this way you only can give Regions to the country that is directly bordering with you, and only as a tribute to a peace treaty. The game is afterall called "Conflict of Nations", not "War of Nations". The diplomatic factor is coming a bit short if yo…

  • Quote from Germanico: “Any other form of territorial trading was deliberately turned off due to rampant abuse by players. ” Why don't you fix it instead of canceling it? Afterall we make cars safer instead of banning them from the streets because people abuse them by street racing or have car accidents.