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  • Planes in CoN

    Hancock - - Questions & Answers


    I don't understand why users are not allowed to open threads on topics that already existed. if there was a thread three years ago with the topic "Best ground unit?", then no one cares what was written Three year ago. the game mechanics might be very different today. The players of the present might also want to discuss which is the best country? is it Important that that we talked about it two years ago? Everyone has different opinions and new players should be allowed to discuss issues the way…

  • Wo ist die deutsche Community?

    Hancock - - Deutsches Forum


    Hey ja dich und Teburu hab ich schon im Forum entdeckt Ja meine Pause ist irgendwie alternativlos. Mit Kind hab ich gar keine Zeit. Für eine 0,5x-Speedmap hätte ich Zeit, aber diese Innovation gibt es ja leider noch nicht Bock hätte ich nämlich schon Wenn ich Urlaub habe spiele vielleicht eine Wie läufts denn bei den Allys. Gibt es da immer noch so viele Challenges wie früher? Hab auch mal was von einer Liga gelesen, gibt es die?

  • Wo ist die deutsche Community?

    Hancock - - Deutsches Forum


    Grüßt euch, Früher war im deutschen Bereich aber mehr los? Ist die deutsche Community kleiner geworden? Viele Grüße an alle alten und neuen Gesichter

  • Cool, dachte schon die deutsche Community ist ausgestorben. Ein deutsches RPG auf CoN ist nachwievor ein bisher unerfüllter Wunsch von mir.


    Hancock - - News and Updates


    Nice update if mobile artillery now gets a speed improvement to 1.4, it would be perfect from my point of view

  •…2323c3be1c9d8192cef1212d9KSK Spezialeinheit sucht Rekruten | Discord und Aktivität sind Voraussetzung | Wir - die KSK Spezialeinheit (KSK) - sind die Tochterallianz der Allianz Phantom Kommando (PK). Wir sind Elitesoldaten, Ausbilder und Rekruten. Wir spielen Just-For-Fun-Herausforderungen gegen andere Allianzen, mit hohem taktischen Anspruch. Lernen und Spaß stehen bei uns im Vordergrund. Wir sind eine Ausbildungsallianz. Wir bilden Spieler für Allianz-Herausforde…

  • Newspaper casualties

    Hancock - - Questions & Answers


    If you Shot an UAV down, the UAV-Pilot dies 2000 Miles away In His office


    Hancock - - News and Updates


    what about the mobile app for iOS? (applied for early access)

  • Quote from kurtvonstein: “Quote from Hancock: “I really like the analogy in this article. It was fun to read An addition. It depends on the online times, what is best. If you have really little time to play the game, be a puncher. You must kill your opponent in the first round immediately. On the other hand if you have more time and you can go all rounds, then be a boxer. It is not advisable to play with airforce e or artillery if you are hardly on. Every puncher could kill you, by rushing you i…

  • I really like the analogy in this article. It was fun to read An addition. It depends on the online times, what is best. If you have really little time to play the game, be a puncher. You must kill your opponent in the first round immediately. On the other hand if you have more time and you can go all rounds, then be a boxer. It is not advisable to play with airforce e or artillery if you are hardly on. Every puncher could kill you, by rushing you in your off time, every boxer anyway

  • Stealth Naval Officer

    Hancock - - Questions & Answers


    Quote from kurtvonstein: “So why do you always try to turn my words around...also ingame. Just dont try. You can not talk me down: ” I didnt write you a single message ingame. I only answered you ingame, that I am not interested in your trash talk. So I dont know what you are talking about^^

  • Stealth Naval Officer

    Hancock - - Questions & Answers


    Quote from kurtvonstein: “Suddenly a big swarm off aircraft came for the officer but he made it out of there safe and sound... ” So the helicopters could see the Stealth Navy Officer in sight and we could very well see that your admiral was shot down from 70 HP to 17 HP. So I have no idea what you are saying here.


    Hancock - - Suggestions


    Elite Special Forces with strong ATK against soft AND amor

  • 1. Hold down the right mouse button. 2. Drag around the airport with the mouse. Then release the mouse and you have selected all the units that are stationed in the airport. 3. Press the "Cancel" button of the selected units and all units will return to the airport

  • What is YOUR Favourite CoN Unit

    Hancock - - Off Topic


    Air Superiority fighter


    Hancock - - News and Updates


    Half of the TOP 10 is from Hydralienys Congrats

  • Wir suchen nachwievor Verstärkung! Auch das gesamte Jahr 2020…2323c3be1c9d8192cef1212d9

  • It is a war game. War with 2 nations is normal. Just care if you are in war with 4-5 nations or more. Then the moral management gets relevant

  • The radar changes will hopefully only added to new maps? Changing from AWAC to Ground Radar in late game, could be difficult^^ Interesting update, changes a lot

  • Gold Free Elite Matches Explained

    Hancock - - Suggestions


    Elite Alliance Challgenge - no entry fee, gold usage is not possible at all, only once per month per alliance, minimum rank 25 In Elite Alliances Matches you cant use gold even if you want However, non-elite matches can be played as often as you like. But use of gold is possible there -> gentlemens agreement is needed if you dont want gold usage