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  • You can still mobilize them after SC runs out. Once you get the badge for the season you keep the unit forever.


    ThePanda - - News and Updates


    Quote from ewac123: “Quote from Germanico: “Railguns are unlockable but not available right from the start - they are added to this release in the same fashion we add other previous units: players need to collect the points and then can unlock them permanently if the players have security council. In regards to the deployables: wait for sneaky players figuring them out... I am excited to see how they will be put to all anticipated and unanticipated uses. It took us a lot of time to get the syste…

  • New Deploy Armament Units

    ThePanda - - Suggestions



  • Quote from Capt_Rodgers: “we might see some kind of bridge laying tanks ” yes please

  • Quote from Opulon: “Meta is just the name given to a context. You refer to some RTS like starcraft. I won't learn to you that on Age of Empires 2, for example, the meta varies wildly between 2 vs 2 on a Arabic map, and a 3 vs 3 on a Black Forest map. It's just how it goes. A context. It is staged indeed, and we do need it, like in every sports, to provide a setting where luck is as little involved as possible when determining a victor. If you read someone stating that the meta of challenges appl…

  • Troops Stacks

    ThePanda - - General Discussion


    Quote from Teburu: “Quote from DOA70: “Quote from yzjqx: “Quote from DOA70: “Quote from _dany20_: “Quote from DOA70: “Quote from Teburu: “Quote from DOA70: “Quote from Crozbomb: “Hi Everyone, looking for the definitive guide on ideal stacking of troops for all branches of the military to get the most out of each attack, defense, and HP's Thank you in advance for all your expert suggestions! ” Good strategy games are ones where there is no static "ideal". For every stack I present, you can presen…

  • reward for wining

    ThePanda - - Suggestions


    Quote from Dealer of Death: “My main objection is there is no incentive to win only survive. How diminished is your win if you only get 1500 gold for your win and the player next down in VP could theoretically get 1499 in gold for a loss? There should at least be a small bonus. ” I fully agree, perhaps a multiplier on your overall placement to set it apart, or/and even bonus XP. e.g. top 3 get a 200% multiplier on their gold, top 5 get bonus XP.

  • What is stacking?

    ThePanda - - Questions & Answers


    "Stacking" simply means adding more units to an army. "Over-stacking" occurs when you've put too many units into an army and debuffs start getting applied to it. A debuffed army will move slower, deal less damage, etc. The stacking limit before debuffs get applied depends on the general type of the army... * You can stack up to 10 units in a GROUND army * You can stack up to 5 units in an AIR army (planes and helis) * You can stack up to 5 units in a SEA army (submarines and ships) - or was it 1…

  • Quote from Dealer of Death: “Quote from Dealer of Death: “Quote from Kranzegrad: “Last times i bombing hives cities by heavy bomber's to dozens times, but they always build new hives, ai want play with me!? i bombing malaysia and thailand cities, mean while ai build new hives to replaced destroyed hives, after i bombing hives to ruins, and always comming new hives, it's pisss off. ” Hmmm, this leads me to a question: Do you suffer a morale debuff for bombing/nuking zombies???What about chosen/in…

  • Quote from Kranzegrad: “Quote from 737373elj: “Quote from Kranzegrad: “If there has coalition 7x or 10x slots, them it's much easier play it. ” But there isn’t, and that’s part of the challenge of playing it ” That why CoN putting 3x and 5x coalition slots. But i not belive it, if comming 7x or 10x coalition slot, them players has it's easy play it, and real problem is; less of half year later, players getting boring that CoN game, later CoN has shutting down, because very low players and very l…

  • "11 local industries...He only has 16 provinces..." - I think that part hurt me the most

  • Account Got Banned.

    ThePanda - - Bug Reports & Issues


    Were you maybe on the same Wifi network with any of your friends recently? Often people get flagged when they're on the same IP. Best bet to get fast support is to either contact one of their staff on their official Discord with your ingame name and/or send them a ticket.

  • Quote from MicahWill: “Zombies are actually masters of construction and logistics. Wasting no time or resources as they quickly construct brand new hives for all the world to enjoy. ” OUR hives, comrade.


    ThePanda - - News and Updates


    Quote from Rozne Eltobliv: “I have this question from a long time so I'm finally gonna ask . If the Rising Tides made it's way on mobile today , how did I play Rising Tides on mobile before ? Not only this map but also Blood and Oil and Z was available in mobile (when it was in early access) ” You could play them for some time before older versions of those maps were joinable only from desktop and got a warning on mobile. They were playable to a degree but if you followed the discussions on Disc…

  • Quote from Dealer of Death: “Even excepting In addition to the correct use of the superior British misspelling spelling of "neighbor",... ” Fixed that for you, no need to thank me

  • Quote from kurtvonstein: “Quote from ThePanda: “Don't quote me on this but as I remember it... - Disembarking units are seen as transport ships during combat - The enemy Corvette would deal full damage to each unit and vice versa (obviously your disembarking units won't deal any damage) Based on the above, the enemy Corvette (assuming it's level 1) should have dealt ~20 damage in total. What I don't know is why it would deal 5 dmg to your Corvette and 10 dmg to each of your disembarking stacks. …

  • Don't quote me on this but as I remember it... - Disembarking units are seen as transport ships during combat - The enemy Corvette would deal full damage to each unit and vice versa (obviously your disembarking units won't deal any damage) Based on the above, the enemy Corvette (assuming it's level 1) should have dealt ~20 damage in total. What I don't know is why it would deal 5 dmg to your Corvette and 10 dmg to each of your disembarking stacks. If it was indeed due to some crazy yolo RNG shot…

  • "an air officer is important for its stats, i wouldn't care if it was kermit the frog" - Speak for yourself, I for one would pay good money for flying Kermit. It's time we get custom skins


    ThePanda - - News and Updates
