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  • I agree that getting players to join old games is the bigger issue, nobody has joined since I kicked all the inactives out of my game, even though there are some fairly powerful countries to take over. I guess it doesn't make sense to kick people out at all until that is resolved. Thanks for the insight Germanico!

  • I know you just closed a thread on this just a month ago, but my games are getting really boring just fighting a bunch of nerfed AI. I've been promoted to game admin (aka game master) because the previous one went inactive, but the only option I have is to remove all inactives. I want to be able to be more selective so that players that log in once or twice a week have a chance to get back into the game instead of just booting everyone. How I would make that happen: Have two thresholds, one when…

  • I figured it out... wasn't looking in the right place for the "game master" button. Next question - how can I selectively remove inactive players (e.g. two guys are semi-inactive and I want to leave them in the game in case they get more time to play).

  • So I became the game admin in one of my games recently, but don't really have the option to do anything. Inactive players are marked, but how would I do anything to replace them with new (potentially) active players?

  • Population... will it rise?

    jmc1973 - - Questions & Answers


    In the same vein, I'm not seeing level 1 cities that I've annexed and built hospitals in refuse to grow... even to 1.1. Are level 1 cities nerfed?

  • Annexed cities production

    jmc1973 - - Questions & Answers


    So follow-up question, it looks like un-annexed cities production base is 25%, and annexed is 33% - is that, and the ability to build buildings, the only advantages of annexing cities?

  • Annexed cities production

    jmc1973 - - Questions & Answers


    But the net result is to build up your home cities first to at least level 3 because the incremental increase at 100% production is going to be equivalent to the same increase two levels down at 33%. E.g. arms industry 2->3 is 750 supplies for 10% increase of 100% (10%) for home city, arms industry 0->1 is 250 supplies for 10% increase of 33% (3.3%) for annexed city. Thanks for the info!!

  • Annexed cities production

    jmc1973 - - Questions & Answers


    How long does it take annexed cities to reach full production? It seemed to rise with morale but stopped at 33%... I have one city at 75% morale but still only 33% production... what am I missing?