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  • European Sams and MLRS

    Prosac - - Questions & Answers


    russian SAMs also stay the same on all levels

  • SAM bug

    Prosac - - Bug Reports & Issues


    And how can a SAM shoot a helicopter?

  • Jetzt wirds hier aber ziemlich politisch, dass der Kommunismus gescheitert ist lag natürlich nicht am Kommunismus selbst, weil der ja unfehlbar ist... Auch das Argument, wenn du denkst du kannst es besser, mach es selber, geht mir ziemlich gegen den Strich. Sowas sagt ein Arzt ja auch nicht nach Beschwerden über eine Operation. So gesehen ist das Spiel auch nicht ungerecht, jeder hat die Möglichkeit sich unbegrenzt Gold zu kaufen und es einzusetzen. Auch halte ich Aktivität im Forum und Hilfe fü…

  • SAM bug

    Prosac - - Bug Reports & Issues


    Yes, Andilek got a point here, how is it possible, that SAMs can kill a grounded ASW helicopter?

  • Lasst ihn doch einfach reden, wer wie selbstverständlich Beleidigungen und Drohungen in seine Posts einbaut, der zeigt doch schon, dass eine Diskussion auf sachlichem Niveau nicht möglich ist.

  • SAM bug

    Prosac - - Bug Reports & Issues


    I saw this strange AA behaviour in my game, it was a normal game and no speedmap…6d20d3c6d1e3613d045dfabbc First i was baffled, because i spotted the blue reloading sign over my SAM, i waited because i thought it must be some sort of bug, but then the SAM shot again and the fighter and ASW helicopter in Warsaw took damage. Both were never in air, because i pinned them down with Infantry about half an hour earlier and then even the following SAM shot and killed the …

  • If there is an Insurgent Uprising you will get a new unit, so you better leave new cities undefended.

  • cruisers and reload time?

    Prosac - - Questions & Answers


    AA is running on 10 minutes cooldown.

  • Question regarding missiles

    Prosac - - Questions & Answers


    I don't think you can launch a stack of missiles, you have to launch them one by one.

  • Ich kann mich noch schwach daran erinnern, dass ich vor Jahren mal ein anderes BG, welches zum damaligen Zeitpunkt noch nicht für Smartphones optimiert war, über den Browser spielen wollte, da hatte ich auch nur nen weißen Bildschirm, lag damals wohl an Flash oder so. Über eine fremde App lief es dann zwar, aber es war total langsam und eigentlich unspielbar.

  • Officer healrate

    Prosac - - Suggestions


    Guys please, i posted this in the suggestion section, not in help. I'm fully aware that this won't help me in my actual game, but as officers are pretty new, i think it's a flaw, which makes a pretty expensive unit rather unusable for quite some time and i think this shouldn't be. And i'm not talking about some days, even with max. hospital it would take almost a week.

  • What was the reason that Germanico told someone, who told you, to make a thread?

  • Officer healrate

    Prosac - - Suggestions


    Two officers won't stack, so it's the same like with fighters and helicopters.

  • But the update says reappearance in the map rotation. And i haven't seen any event with other maps for a while now.

  • Officer healrate

    Prosac - - Suggestions


    But as i already wrote, i can buff the healrate of regular units with stacking up, can't do that with officers. That has nothing to do with 2 worlds.

  • Officer healrate

    Prosac - - Suggestions


    I'm a very slow-paced and preserving player, some would call it cautious, and make much use of hospitals, cutting my losses as much as possible and thus having good stats. But now i overextended a bit and nearly lost my infantry officer, he's level 2 and got under 2 hp left. Also my hospital is only level 2 yet, which means, if i want to heal him back to a reasonable level this will take about 10 days, even with a level 3 hospital, which is quite some time, maybe i go kill him and build him new,…

  • Meiner Erfahrung nach sehen alle Einheiten mit der Fähigkeit "Deckt Tarneinheiten auf" in ihrem Sichtweitenradius die genaue Truppenstärke.

  • Quote from Yak: “the return of the often requested "classic" Europe 1990 and World 2020 maps ” Is this real? I desperately waiting for some more map variety, some months ago there were Middle East, all the Redux, the ones with rivers and whatnot and all of a sudden they were gone, most likely has to do with the restrictions on map creation, but why is the map rotation so limited now? It's like offering only Pizza or Pasta for lunch, each day. As much as everyone likes them both, i guess, it gets…

  • Wo ist der Eurofighter?

    Prosac - - Questions & Answers


    Das sind Altbestände Die europäische Doktrin hat z.B. auch bei den Drohnen amerikanische Modelle.

  • As much as i appreciate such events, i was a bit confused at first, because i thought there will be a special map for this, like the occasional event maps with +50% xp, which was obviously not the case. Further confusion was spread by leaving any precise timeframe. The News was announced on Thursday, so i didn't know, if this will start immediately, on Friday or on Saturday through Sunday. Please don't be this vague next time, thanks.