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  • Missile range and other themes

    caleb - - General Discussion


    I think some of the long distance transport issues could be solved by placing some more island like "depots" along the way, similar to the current Harbor system, if perhaps they could put some neutral air bases strategically based, that would be beneficial. Also, I totally agree on the ability to airlift tanks, etc. Modern technology allows for the air transport of heavy units like this, I'm not sure why the game prevents it. It would also be cool to have the ability to drop units in places besi…

  • Cruise Missile on the ground

    caleb - - Questions & Answers


    I've been having this same issue. I wonder if maybe it's a bug? Like if you capture the province or city before the missile can land, then it has no target and get's stuck? Any game dev want to comment?

  • I feel like the poles should be playable spaces on the map, nothing crazy, just something similar to greenland, 1 massive province, and maybe make antarctica several provinces with different "bases" in the place of cities. Could be fun.

  • Russia is so huge!

    caleb - - General Discussion


    So I'm playing russia for my first time and am about 10 days in, starting to make a strong push into other nations and holy sh*t Russia is absolutely massive. I takes days to move things if you don't have air bases. I'd have to say that due to sheer size alone, if you start with Russia you have a huge chance at winning, and have a huge ability to hold off invasion.

  • The Ultimte Starting Position

    caleb - - General Discussion


    I've been at this game for about 30 days now and I have a real problem with resource production in annexed provinces and cities. Over time I find that my resource generation plateaus and often drops as I expand my territory. I think this is an issue. Over time it becomes harder and harder to continue expansion because the resource generation just isn't there to support it. With a larger territory I need more forces to adequately defend, more forces means more upkeep which means less production, …

  • A glossary of in game symbols

    caleb - - Suggestions


    As a newish player to the game I find it really frustrating when I see symbols in game that have no explanation and there is no clear glossary of symbols and terms on the forum or main game landing page. I think a nice list of what each term/symbol means would be greatly appreciated, instead of having to guess at what things are.

  • Larger Map Visibility

    caleb - - Suggestions


    So this is a small thing, but there is one thing that annoys me while playing (particularly when I play a large nation like russia, or have expanded throughout the globe) the map cannot be zoomed out to show the whole world at once. I think a nice change would be for us to be able to view the whole world map at once, rather than having to drag across the screen constantly.