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  • It's complicated for air superiority fighters. The Strike Fighters in dogfights are getting better, even doing far less damage in theory. My Thypoon (2 stacks with 4 fighters each) faced a stack with 5 strike fighters (2 stars). In each attack the enemy lost a strikefighter and I an air superiority fighter. In the end I was left with 6 fighters and him with 3. Where's the clear difference in damage capacity? Or are all my coalition players who use air superiority fighters unlucky? Where's the ai…

  • I have a question pertaining to the Special Forces, when in naval transport or in Air Assault (alone - without any other type of unit in the stack): Are they seen by all units? or does invisibility remain during these transports?

  • I have already given this suggestion in advance and believe that all units equipped with radar should notify the first radar contact in the event area with the position in latitude x longitude coordinates.

  • Cartography

    Romeu.Charlie - - Suggestions


    Also missing is a tool for generating latitute and longitude of the map and for measuring distance between point A and B (cartography! Basic principle of all militaria!). You strive to put the whole terrain geography as a shocking factor in both movement and combat and do not give the least condition to effectively utilize all the advantages / disadvantages in the combined strategy between players. You could charge for this service! Embed this cartography for members of the security council and …

  • I discovered... Not ground dots near. There is a Mobile Radar in Mexico City…8690f9481d1d51106a58253b5 But this stack had Special Forces... Damn... Invisible Ninjas. Each SF can damage 3.3 on helicopters…8690f9481d1d51106a58253b5

  • My helicopter stack had maximum hitpoints when it attacked the 19th Elite consisting of 1 infantry veteran + 1 SAM + 1 Naval Infantry. Next there is another Stack with 1 Main Tank + 1 Armored Attack Vehicle + 1 Naval Infantry (7th Tank Division) My helicopters focused attack on the 19th Elite. My stack received 24 damage where no unit was specialized in attacking helicopters. And of possible 48 points of damage that could cause the 19th caused something around 12 points ... What happened there ?…

  • This interception did not occur. The parable of ascension and fall passed through an area protected by a TDS and a Frigate, and Ballistic missile did not suffer 1 point of damage. It was for the sum of the interceptions of 1 Frigate and 1 TDS level 2 to eliminate a ballistic missile ...

  • Hypothetical situation: I fire a ballistic missile from point A to point B In this trajectory (in the middle of the way, say) there is a theater defense system. Can he intercept or damage the ballistic missile? Or does the missel altitude prevent the theater defense system from acting?

  • I´ve been attacked for a flak with 5 submarines level 6. They have attack range = 100. Ok, My submarines (level 4) had attack range = 75. But they did not do anything to the enemy. How well are you attacked and do not move to get minimum distance to counterattack? If the rule of engagement is anything but "do nothing" they should at least move toward the attacker enough to get into attack range and return fire! That night I lost 4 frigates, 4 attack submarines and 2 ballistic submarines like tha…

  • I would like to understand how this bonus to buy gold works. I saw that the percentage of bonus (extra gold) does not match the actual calculation. Follow the worksheet I did. With the purchase value of 760,000 gold the announced is 52% more, but this bonus does not even reach 35% (34.1%). Please, if I am wrong, put here the correct calculation used to remedy my doubt, which puts in check as misleading advertisement.