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  • In the gameID=2940064 Poland player name GeneralToaST and Ukraine player name Subtle Toast are in differerent coalitions but seam to be working as 1 person.

  • not sure if this is the proper place for this the following is a message sent to me in game #2816982 where I am the UK and message was sent by Germany "We can fight until one of die out for sue for peace that not my optain i want my cities back plus in 2 day hopefully we can work on a deal or it not my main will be able to meet you"

  • in gameID=2807941 belarus has planes in athens which does not have an airport how is this……d714b36e2d94c918fc5566b10…d714b36e2d94c918fc5566b10

  • READ FIRST MESSAGE ! The army didnt exit and had no way of getting to where the first appearance was . I appeared between Arar and Linha and the only real changes in the map is the caliphate having Kuwait city area which was all mine and Yeman haven taken Sakaka and Arar to retake them from ukraine `s ghost army .

  • Look at day 32 in the news you will see that is where the ghost army of ukraine took my hq . Losing the hq of course would affect moral but there was no way a dead country should have been able to take my hq. The ai caliphrate gained said cities due to the moral i understand but moral was only changed by the ghost army!!!!

  • I also have a screen shot of russia in same game somehow having tanks that appeared out of no where at the only city they have which is not equiped to build such items . Russia is now controled by AI as russia being down to the last cpl provinces and the player realizing they have lost the game . Does the AI have the abillity to just generate any troops it likes without having the prerequistes that us the players need

  • In game number 2702425 where I am India the Ukraine was eliminated . All of a sudden though had an army pop up in the middle of my territory consisting of 5 infantry and 1 mecanicl infantry . Shortly after that an army consisting of 6 infantry and 1 mechancial infatry takes out my HQ . I rebuild the HQ as needed but again they take out HQ . Air attacks on this army that showed up out of nowhere are usless and when i get it wittled down to 22.7 hit points and attack with force of 60 hit points it…