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  • So, what ideas did I get when I reflect on this story: - Dorado approximately equalises all playable countries by making bigger countries very very weak, almost comparable to small countries. I see the logic, it's so that everyone joining the fight has more or less the same chance. However it becomes essentially a fantasy setting, is counter-intuitive and the maps are cumbersome, due to all the aforementioned reasons. - Gold ends up being the crutch for our (player's) mistakes and encourages us …

  • Old player of war games, casual player of CoN since 1 month (played two games, now in my third) in between work breaks, lurker of this very nice forum. Loving the game mechanics and design, wish it was even better, love the community; overall: thanks Dorado! Wall of text ahead, my first feedback here, which means it's fresh and from the heart. Hopefully useful -Let's have a constructive discussion. Please do not use terms like Gold-Users, Wallet Warriors, Cheaters or the like and stick to Dorado…