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  • Limited Order Execution

    ahuman - - Suggestions


    Quote from Hydralysk: “First, thank you for actually defining your objections to the proposed mechanic. However, as noted in my earlier response, what has the amount of time I spend in the game have to do with the proposal? If I spend ten seconds, ten minutes, or ten hours each day playing, what difference does that make to the content of my suggestion? ” If you can spend 10 hours straight on the game, you have serious problems and that completely negates the need for your proposal anyway. "Dora…

  • Limited Order Execution

    ahuman - - Suggestions


    No. First of all, this hinders your ability to defend from an attack, which is obviously terrible and makes a lot of gameplay useless (ASFs when?). If counterattacks can only be made once every 6 hours, that is terrible for you as the player being attacked. Say goodbye to your troops if they are being bombarded by SFs and your AA will only move in 6 hours. Next, the game does not require much commitment at all, 10 mins to build/mobilise stuff a day if you aren't being aggressive, maybe more time…

  • Bring back old coalition flags

    ahuman - - Suggestions


    Quote from Teburu: “Not a big loss, considering most coalitions used to have no flag to begin with. ” Could there at least be more choices for flags, half of them are skulls and the rest are America-themed. Or they could be in addition to flags you can make yourself.

  • Syria + Iraq + West + Afghanistan

    ahuman - - Suggestions


    Why nerf Syria and Iraq? North and South Korea are already bad enough, it'll make those two easy to invade from all sides. Don't think Taliban should have western doctrine, sure they might have western equipment but I doubt they'll be able to actually use them besides in their propaganda shots. Bullets are not an infinite resource.

  • Bring back old coalition flags

    ahuman - - Suggestions


    I prefer the old system of being able to choose your own coalition flags (instead of ones already in the game). It might be abused but afaik CoW still has them even with a larger playerbase, perhaps instead of restricting flags to those in the game it can be possible to report inappropriate ones?

  • Hacking Threats

    ahuman - - Bug Reports & Issues


    Yup, as the others have said, they can't get your IP address. And your IP address is public information anyway, you are telling the CoN servers right now what your IP is by simply logging on to the site.

  • Using swarm UAVs

    ahuman - - Questions & Answers


    How does using swarm UAVs work? Do they patrol the area where the unit deploying them was, or can you choose where to deploy them?

  • New System

    ahuman - - Suggestions


    Quote from Job_ee: “And letting new players get big countries doesn't hurt the experience of other players? Again, let's be realistic. South/North Korea and countries like Austria, who are in the middle of Europe is a suicide mission and it is a Miracle to make it past day 20 if you're a country like Mali or Angola who are a) surrounded by half a dozen nations within a quick striking range and their coasts leave them very vulnerable. Constantly reloading the server for 2 straight hours just to g…

  • Corvettes and Aircraft Carriers

    ahuman - - Suggestions


    Corvettes can't carry a whole squadron of choppers irl though, they're too small. Maybe their speed could be buffed up in coastal areas + make them more spammable

  • Just speculation

  • I have MRLs of my own - level 2 instead of Guinea's level 5. My destroyers are level 2, and are definitely outranged by Guinea's MRLs.

  • May I have suggestions on how to defeat 20 MRLs and at least 2 theatre defence systems? I had some attack helicopters on my aircraft carrier but they died when the MRLs attacked. Oh, and Guinea has an ICBM somewhere. He tried nuking me but my theatre defence systems lit up and shot it down. My second tds was only made in the previous day.

  • I think we've got this. I got right of way with Tanzania, which allowed me to launch tons of ballistic missiles to Libya, weakening him and allowing Zambia to capture Tripoli, resulting in tonnes of rebellions. Guinea seems to be holding strong, although Zambia seems to be invading from the east. I'm currently invading from the west. I tried launching ballistic missiles at Tonraky, but they were shot down. I aimed to destroy the MRLs protecting his capital.

  • Decimated libya’s homeland cities

    ahuman - - Off Topic


    Libya stole Diego Garcia from me. As a result, I, Argentina, bombed and rendered useless Libya’s cities while operating from Tanzania. 94770198-c288-43e4-b7d6-a0c6c690e785b41ded20-a7b9-434b-9f56-9e93a4dd9d11

  • From my latest game ...

    ahuman - - Off Topic


    Quote from Dealer of Death: “The Latest News: -…c8a8d33d5657fa03643682263 ” lol this is hilarious! I managed to troll canada once by writing mock newspaper articles (in an actual newspaper format) and accusing him of war crimes as he attacked me and my allies

  • Quote from Mike6133: “Do we know if a tank officer will boost the elite rail guns? Since those are support not armor? Please let me know. Thank you ” I believe it does

  • From my latest game ...

    ahuman - - Off Topic


    someone must be salty about pennsylvania Your response to him was actually hilarious. You could say... Sweden was murdered with words!

  • Quote from Rozne Eltobliv: “Quote from 737373elj: “Erm. Gold spammers will almost inevitably win no matter what. Just try your best I guess But giving up usually is the most painless option Try getting some helicopters since it seems as if he doesn't have AA that can target helis Otherwise try to always stay ahead research-wise and have a large army to counter him Does he have an air force BTW? ” right ! A golder may build anything in minutes . If he doesn't have an airforce, he can make it in v…

  • Quote from Fereyd: “To come back to topic: Try beating him with Gunships and Choppers. if you paly it well, he shouldn´t see them coming. Try to build up some air defence as a shield for the Helis, you can bait the ASFs and lure them into range of SAM (or frigates if possible) ” Thanks! It seems like his antiair are SAMs - meaning they'd be good food for choppers. I'll try to see if I can bait his fighters, since I have MAAVs.

  • His air force appears to be made of ASFs and busy in Austria. Thanks for your help! Oh, and I contacted Guinea. He says he spends $20-100 per game.