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  • a) resources: enough to develop 8 or 9 investigations and 60 units b) normal speed or 2X c) all available technologies d) investigations at 4X. e) not at all

  • Quote from Cyclone46: “The reason Endymion3 is shouting me out is because he has a grudge. The reason he has a grudge is because his Alliance is one who likes to ask for No Gold and Cease Fire, only to break both as part of their strategy to cheat. They expected us to roll over while they attacked with gold, almost 3 days early. And I took them to the woodshed for it. ” 1º I do not keep any grudge against you Cyclone. Fortunately I have many things in my life to waste time in that way. 2º The ve…

  • Quote from Cycle0: “the alliance clash (no gold) was cancelled, to make room for this gold round. only 4 teams entered, since it is a gold round. were you really unaware that there would be some major gold expenditures for the title of: "Best of Four, We spent the most gold!" ” Not the best of four. It is who of the four is spending more gold. The games with gold have no meaning and can have no interest, At least to people who likes strategy and likes to "play." Playing with gold is not playing …

  • This tournament has been an absolute disappointment. 1 Point me because I thought I was going to play between 9 alliances on a big map. It turned out that we were 4 alliances on a small map. 2º The rules were not clear from the beginning. 3rd the alliance the last legion as he has accustomed has spent a huge amount of gold. On a large map with 9 alliances there could be a chance to win, but under these conditions it is impossible. It does not make sense to play a tournament when you win who more…

  • Is there a period of peace? I think it is not serious that the game starts and we do not know the rules.

  • peace and rules

    Endymion3 - - Tournaments


    Is there a period of peace? I think it is not serious that the game starts and we do not know the rules.

  • The leader was banned for no reason. Everything arises when a few weeks ago everyone was banned by a game bug. My partner to get in touch with the game management created another account. This account only used it to contact and has not played with it, something that I think could easily be verified. And they banned him for having multiple, and they do not answer his messages.

  • Our alliance has its leader unfairly banned and without giving a fair solution. Could not solve it to be able to join the tournament?


    Endymion3 - - Suggestions


    Hola: Mi propuesta es mejorar los finales de las partidas de desafió. Por ahora hay que conseguir una cantidad de puntos de victoria, eso hace muy pesado terminar las partidas una vez derrotados la alianza enemiga. ¿ Porque no hacerlo mas fácil ? La idea de los desafíos es ganar al equipo contrario no acumular puntos de victoria. Mi idea es que una vez que todos los enemigos pierdan sus ciudades se termine el juego al finalizar el día. Se podría también dar una cantidad de GOLD igual a cada juga…

  • Proposal of changes in the game of challenges. To finish the games of challenges, not by points of victory like this one now, but by the following events. 1 st. Let all players in an alliance lose all their cities. 2 st. That all players in an alliance remain inactive for more than two days. 3rd Rewards to the winners. It would have to have a fixed amount of GOLD for each player of the game that has been successful. Example: Five players per team, 100 GOLD per player, total 500 GOLD to win each …