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  • Naval Patrol Routes

    JustinG101 - - Suggestions


    What a great idea, I fully support that. I hope more people do, becuase if the users show an interest then some BA/PM may just take on the project.

  • No way, Exactly the same thing happened to me. ~ 50- days into the game, suddendly it's a 4 against 1. I built a high cruse missile arsenal around 60 to use as a upper handed weapon in my defence strategy. Suddenly, no missiles. My ships and planes where not targeting. Big panic, 1 late night and lost day and work later, I managed to pull through with my heli's. It was close, sure could have used those missiles.

  • Reading through this thread, there are two points of view. Gain points by winning (Military ) and gain points by infrastructure ( Ecom), both of these are indeed correct. When you look at your profile, you will see both are listed. It's a total of both of these. For example; there is one player who is ranked somewhere in the top ten players, who has an ecom score of 660 K but has only played ~ 80 games... Territory win/loss ration is important. Regardless of weather you win, this ratio has more …

  • In addition to the blankets, water tablets and supplies donated to the Ukraine war effort. Dorado has decided not to allow any more war.

  • Wowa, I f**ked up, stupid thread. Appologies

  • I noticed this increadibly high economic score. I've been trying my best lately to increase my economic score, building roads, buildings everything, and I've played 129 games. My score is 32, 807. I'm wasting a lot of time trying to improve my score and then comes along this nubie, and he's played 3 games. And his economic score is 893,000. And he's only built 32 buildings How is this possible. Is it an error. What's the secret.

  • Yes, that does work but it involves math. It would be easier if there is a list. I know it exsist just dont know where I saw it

  • I basically got the idea from watching one of "TheB2" videos. He claims build things at the end of the game. You get points for different buildings built. I don't know where I read it, but there is a list somewheres, detailing the value of each building. THe objective is to gain economic points at the end ot the game. These contrbute to your rank score.

  • Near the end of the game, is it worth spending all the excess resouces building buildings in cites to increase your economic score? I believe there is a list of points associate with each building type (although I cannot find it) . So if I spend my resouces on barracks and recuriment centres for all cities, I supposibly get more points. Which in turn increase my overall rank. However, does Lvl barracks give more points than LVl1, etc. Also, does logistics give points. Is there a list. Any answer…

  • Two Capitals

    JustinG101 - - Questions & Answers


    Is it possible to have two capitals, I've never seen this before and I'm curious if this is a gold thing, Chech out romania…e0be8b2dc889604eac292bbe0