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  • i forgot to mention that no, he did not one shot my ships. it took 2 or 3 hits per ship, and each shot was 20 seconds in between

  • i do not know all that stuff, but i know for a fact gold doesnt make you hit every 20 seconds instead of an hour, and it doesnt make you do extra damage and take less damage. if you look in the news you can see that i lost a ship every minute, which is proof that he was hitting faster. and gold can make you teleport either

  • in game 3631809 there is a hacker named lukafatic007 playing as serbia. his ships were 2, level 3 cruisers stacked together and he was hitting my ships every 20 seconds instead of the usual hour, I airstruck a city that had an airbase and other bases with 4 strike fighters and no damage came to the buildings, i also airstruck his 2 cruiser fleet with one strike fighter (note that his cruisers have a rating of 3 against jets) and he did 17 damage to my fighters, while he took 3 damage. i airstruc…