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  • oO would be awesome to see that for like late battles instead of oh yeah it was 40k to 50k casualties and trying to scroll through to find all the different units lost and destroyed and what not and there is no difference in the news between losing a homeland city an annexed or a city you just conquered.

  • I love that so much that would be awesome.

  • Removal or Replacement

    That's Ruff - - Questions & Answers


    No you can not. You can just archive it tho.

  • ***PLEASE READ***

    That's Ruff - - Suggestions


    Uh. You asked him. And I don't think it's very important it's pretty useless I mean like why would you want to keep going just join a new game by the time you reach the amount of victory points everyone else is dead unless its solo really

  • More Suggestions

    That's Ruff - - Suggestions


    Yes def number 10 and I think a waypoint for planes would be nice maybe like overnight you could say go patrol these 3 cities in this order then do a report on what you saw at what time so you can see when you get back on oh my planes saw that 3 hours ago there was an armored division leaving the city of Barcelona or whatever. Also to set a return journey back to an air base after an attack. I mean you don't want it flying over a stack of 10 sams why can't you have it take a detour around it the…

  • Hmm I would consider the fact that they are literally called uh what was it oh yeah RARE materials. They aren't even that rare because no unit consumes them so late game you will just have piles of them.

  • I mean if you factor in the consumption I think I once reached a like +400/h supplies production never that high with components because I love me some navy but without consumption, it would be at +1000/h supplies production is my highest

  • Because I know roughly some things like that having a stack of sams and mrls makes it an anti air division but does anyone have a full list?

  • Resource province locator

    That's Ruff - - Suggestions


    Yes this would be really useful. Like a province menu and how you can sort by like resources in cities do the same thing in provinces and be able to sort by buildings so you could see where you can fly troops in to air fields. I think we also need a ruler that can show like what 400 range is what 500 range is what 900 range is for like planes so you can determine where to build airfields if you want it so it can reach certain areas but be outside of 100 range for ships to attack etc. So like a r…

  • Smh another railgun nerf.

  • When will WWZ be back

    That's Ruff - - Questions & Answers


    A bit ago we got updates for the WWZ map... so when will these maps pop again?


    That's Ruff - - News and Updates


    I mean I think the useful thing of it is that if you have lets say a stack of 5 mech inf and you're losing a battle to a stack of 10 motorized inf, you can just pop out 5 of these ugvs to help the fight.


    That's Ruff - - News and Updates


    Uh so how do we get the deployable gears and how much do they cost?

  • Guess this unit

    That's Ruff - - General Discussion


  • So should still be coming in the next week or you're saying that resets and it'll be another two to three weeks?

  • Question about drones.

    That's Ruff - - General Discussion


    I know they can spot ships but I've never seen them spot a submarine probably because I don't use drones often and people don't use subs often so I don't know if they can. But any aircraft can reveal the exact composition of a ship it's flying over.

  • Panama and Suez Canal

    That's Ruff - - Suggestions


    How is it fair now that Japan and Australia couldn't control them it just makes them more important and yes Egypt is good and it would make it better but it still would not be on the level of countries like Germany or India.

  • Panama and Suez Canal

    That's Ruff - - Suggestions


    I mean I guess that's true but all it would do is make Egypt a better country which makes sense because we need A good country in Africa and idk make Colombia better because you can take the canal quickly. It would make more wars to conquer it too so it could still just about even out. Right now the canals are just treated as open ocean anybody could go through and if you aren't at war with the person passing through it won't attack so they could sail right through the canal and attack your city…

  • Panama and Suez Canal

    That's Ruff - - Suggestions


    Yes but the way the canals operate in real life isn't just any ship can flow through them like a body of water. In the game however if you just have a larger navy then you can just pass through the canal anyway. And yes this would kind of make some nations more unbalanced then others and create more wars over them but that would make sense as it would be strategically imporant to control the Panama and Suez canal

  • Panama and Suez Canal

    That's Ruff - - Suggestions


    The Panama and Suez canal should/could operate like canals do in real life and not just anyone can pass through them but that you could deny entrance to certain countries ships like countries you are at war with or all non right of way people so this way they can become more strategical and you don't have to keep ships there to prevent people from coming through because if you're at war with Egypt you couldn't just sail ships through the Suez Canal. This could cause more wars to acquire these ce…