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  • I’d like to see an update to the NPC’s AI, and to give them access to the Tech tree and ability to build. If the Rogue state can build and advance and take over a good portion of the map, I think it would be great to see NPC’s doing the same. So you have to consider them and not just leave them cause they’ll also be building up a little army to take over their neighbours.

  • I’m tired of players that take one hit and go inactive, either in my coalition or my rivals, so boring. let’s see how many people would like a map with no coalition…it’s all on you. Limited gold use to like 15k or something reasonable. The goal is to only have tactical players who aren’t afraid to lose a few units in the first wave. So annoying, name 1 war where either side didn’t take loses and lose land only to retake it later and build back up. Coalitions are lame.