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    Berrecy - - News and Updates


    I agree with the Corvettes it would be and early to mid game option only. I do remember seeing in the description for a short while that they could be deployed from AWACS which would be useful, but it looks like that was dropped for final release. It is even worse than AA nullifying the unit. If your point defence value against fixed wing is greater than the HP of the UAV (max about 7) they get destroyed on attack without damaging the target. Any self respecting stack, naval or ground, will have…


    Berrecy - - News and Updates


    I’ve been using the new UAV and found it quite useful. The patrol attack hits all enemies in quite a large circle (varies based on level). Deployed intelligently, it can hit quite hard, especially from low level infantry. It;s almost always available if you have made the components. I’m currently levelling up corvettes just to put these things in choke points to see if it is worth it.

  • Tough one mate. I agree, in modern warfare, corvettes punch above their weight and could be considered non seafaring destroyers. Sometimes, they are even tougher, but unable to fight the blue water fight. Some of the Russian corvettes firing 1000+mile range cruise missiles from the Caspian to Syria certainly shows a bit of punch. I also agree with the old adage that “A Ship is a fool to fight a port”. A HImARS system firing shoot and scoot would seriously take out surface assets and to be more r…

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    Berrecy - - General Discussion


    Hey guys. Long time reader, first time poster. Not sure if this type of infantry matches the game in it’s “Modern” context. If we were going down this path ODST or Space Marines would be feasible, but we already have so many options for manevure warfare without them. In this line, I would like to see air deployed forces operate within the appropriate range of a carrier. At this time I cannot get that to work (almost exclusively mobile -layer) but it would improve the utility of carriers and add …