Allow Teammates to takeover inactive territories in Red va Blue map

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    • Allow Teammates to takeover inactive territories in Red va Blue map

      So I loved the idea of the RvB map and tried one recently. I have no desire to play another one in its current form.

      I was the only active blue team member on the African continent by day two.

      I was surrounded by inactive red team members and quickly took over their territories. My inactive teammates lost their territories one at a time until I was able to push all the Red members off Africa. I lost a lot of troops defending/liberating others territories and accepted it as part of playing on a large team.

      My issue is, all my nearby teammates were inactive so no one could rebuild a countries capital. Although I would defend each city until the moral went about 35%, they would one by one randomly go rogue and I found myself scattered all over a continent fighting rogues with no way to stop them from spawning.

      I know you cannot force players to remain active, but please give us some option to either take over inactive players territory or some other way of dealing with rogues that we have no control over because we cannot build a capital on someone elses territory.
    • In past: I though it's has bug in map, but it's not are bug, it has part of system.

      '' When you hit 0 VP, you will automatically lose the game and the defeated panel will show up. This being said if you still have units left you can conquer territory and get back in the game! Additionally, if Coalition Members conquer your homeland cities/provinces, they will be automatically given back to you! ''
      Guns are always loaded.
    • Clock wrote:

      duckman1981 wrote:

      They should be able to at least have the option to assume control over the inactive team member's units. If they come back, then control returns to them. In my current game, Peru has a great size army just sitting there doing nothing because he's inactive. The rest of the team should be able to use them.
      "Game mechanic abusers" ringing in ears
      Yeah, fair call.