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    • multiple suggestions for gameplay interface
      there probably are other threads that already say most of these things, i'm just getting down all my suggestions here now and can work on organizing them out to speceific threads later
      feel free to critique, modify and make your own suggestions
      trying to keep it strictly to interface, how players interact with the game, trying to avoid game mechanics

      add mini map world scanner
      a mini map in corner of screen, that shows the whole world map
      to navigate fullscreen view, click or drag on mini map,
      eg you're looking at america, but you want to check on china, just click on that part of the mini map, instead of zooming out and dragging accross the screen 7 times,
      mini map could be plain, or have all details of full map just smaller, or somewhere in between showing only basic details

      possible make mini map zoomable also,
      eg you're inspecting cities, so fullscreen is max zoom, but you could zoom mini map in on you're country to more easily pick out cities
      navigate mini map just like fullscreen, click and drag to scroll, click to go to

      make things searchable

      (i keep losing units because they join a stack and get covered up,)
      search all unit type, scan go to next unit same type
      select units same type
      speadsheet of units would also help

      search by city, nation, building types, levels, can or can't mobilize, etc
      a spreadsheet with cities would be great,

      unit stack markers, little dots showing number in stack, when hover cursor show titles of units in stack

      sunject finders
      when you click on something a box shows up at bottom of screen, and the subject(unit/location) highlights
      it would be nice if there was a button in the info box to re-highlight unit
      eg you are scrolling through units, but there are so many on screen you can't tell which one, you hit a button and the screen recenters on that unit, and unit flashes maybe with circle marking selected unit(s)

      have extra zoom in and out,
      on small side gets crazy when you've got 30ish units going through an airport,
      on large side hard to see big picture, and anoying scrolling back and forth to send units across continents

      in game info navigation
      scroll through levels
      (to check stats between levels of unit research you click to enter page then close and scroll and enter a new page,)
      it would help if you could have a button left right for previous and next upgrade

      also it would help to have up down navigate button, to go to other units

      also have hyperlinks to cross connect
      tems like
      hard/soft units
      fixed wing
      carrier compatible
      day number tech

      have info pages searchable by keyword, with sample results like google
      eg search day 4 tech
      results show snippets of pages referencing day 4 tech

      have link to unit/building data on unit selection
      eg you click on a stack, the units are listed in box, have an info button on each unit so you can check they're capabilities

      combine diplomacy and coalition pages

      add coalition title column to diplomacy, some coalitions have the same graphic
    • Hello

      If you do ctrl+f on the map, you can search by unit/location

      You point some good ideas to make basic info understandable for beginners

      I'm a bit more opposed to the corner mini map, except maybe on mobile, but even then... hm, i don't know
      Running an online alliance is pretty much like running a small company, except you need to find other way than money to keep your employees productive. May they play or work, they are humans.
    • Opulon wrote:


      If you do ctrl+f on the map, you can search by unit/location

      You point some good ideas to make basic info understandable for beginners

      I'm a bit more opposed to the corner mini map, except maybe on mobile, but even then... hm, i don't know
      that is helpful
      it seems that you have to have exact full search terms

      1 you can't see groups, eg all paratroopers
      2 you have to memorize hundreds of terms exactly
      3 you have to know what you're looking for, you can't look for details and "find" results
    • MikeC wrote:

      Opulon wrote:


      If you do ctrl+f on the map, you can search by unit/location

      You point some good ideas to make basic info understandable for beginners

      I'm a bit more opposed to the corner mini map, except maybe on mobile, but even then... hm, i don't know
      thanks,that is helpful
      it seems that you have to have exact full search terms

      1 you can't see groups, eg all paratroopers
      2 you have to memorize hundreds of terms exactly
      3 you have to know what you're looking for, you can't look for details and "find" results
      Yep indeed, it doesn't allow groups.

      Custom grouping like in RTS is a feature i would see to like :D
      Running an online alliance is pretty much like running a small company, except you need to find other way than money to keep your employees productive. May they play or work, they are humans.
    • in the activity box
      show destinations
      show final destination and next stop
      have the arrow and unit highlights more distinctive, like put a circle around unit or something

      make paratroopers auto use airdrop in fastest route selection,
      eg you tell paratroop to go from this continent to that one, he airdrops to nearest airport and flys to nearest airport and airdrops to final destination
      i get how this one could be considered intended complication for gameplay but i still would apreciate not micrmanaging my guys
    • don't automatically close unit box when you give orders
      eg you select 10 units same type, from homeland, you want to deploy them in several areas accross the world, it would be nice to
      click highlight desired units, drop undesired selections, sroll over to deployment area, and start clicking targets,
      eg click command(go, attack, patrol) then click location or unit, then it asks how many you want to send, with default being 1 so you can hit enter for hotkey
      (maybe make default max min a changeable setting)
    • allow waypoints with airunits
      eg route paths so that you can patrol along a route
      also air units are stubborn sometimes you want them to station out of a closer city to decrease commute on patrol or bombing run, etc, but to do so you have to gice seperate orders, first send them to the desired city, you must wait for them to arrive or else tehy will turn around and go all the way back the last stationed city and then go patrol area from distant city,
      it would be nice to be able to say go here and then waypoint to patrol location, etc

      this one also seems deliberate, to have so much speed, but have to babysit them
    • Measuring tools

      radius (useful for air units)
      click on location click on measuring tools radius tool, click plus minus to adjust radius, or type in radius, check map, close radius tool when done
      ctrl scroll for adjusting radius
      ctrl r and click location or unit for opening radius tool on selection,
      ctrl r or esc to close
      possibly make it so you can see radiuses on multiple units/locations,
      eg so you can see coverage of airports, bombers, etc

      measure route length
      open measuring tools, route length, click out route just like waypoints for units, the distance is displayed in measuring tools info box
      measure route by unit
      same as above, but you can assign an immaginary unit to a route, you can select a unit you have, or an enemy unit you can "see" or you can choose unmade units from tech menu, guessing aproximate unit that would go along that route
      possibly include ability to toggle same route or point to point with mods like if there was harbor or airport, or if a differnet unit was used, or if a different level unit was used
      eg you draw a route, pick a unit, get a total
      or pick a unit draw a route
      or pick some points then choose various units to see what routes they would take, how fast they would go, etc
      and have toggles like ignore borders,
      and have add imaginary port etc

      make routes clickable
      eg you click on a route line and it shows the unit in the selection box, highlights the route, and lists destination, starting point, current location, next stop, etc with option to center on unit
    • new command
      meet up
      the delay can work ok but it would be nice to have a command to meet up and be able to continue waypoints on a route
      eg you select several units at different locations with different speeds, you say move to here, waypoint, waypoint, then meetpoint, then waypoints, etc, so that you can have them meet up before a big battle, but also not drag eachother into a single line they can gradually merge, and possibly pick up some new territory along the way
    • MikeC wrote:

      when searching the forum, have highlights in different color,
      i can't see what is being highlighted, i can guess, but if i search a wordy question results look like they've been redacted in white-yellow
      i recommend use google search because forum search is very bad

      site: {search phase}
      This post was made by Leader of the Church of ROAD
    • playbabe wrote:

      MikeC wrote:

      when searching the forum, have highlights in different color,
      i can't see what is being highlighted, i can guess, but if i search a wordy question results look like they've been redacted in white-yellow
      i recommend use google search because forum search is very bad
      site: {search phase}
      i do, just seems like a simple adjustment that could make a big improvement