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    • SAM vs. CRM

      i'm a little while out of the game and back, so i've got to clarify some things:

      if i'm attacked with CRMs (lvl2 = 4 HP) and i've got only SAMs (lvl2: Off = 2 / Def = 2), i need at least 2 SAMs stacked to kill the CRM, becouse only the DEF-Value applies? will i always kill the CRM BEFORE it deals damage to the SAMs? (The AA triggers just for 1 CRM, if i'm attacked with at least 2 CRMs, only the PD is used?!)

      the wiki says: attacking army (CRM?) attacks with off-value, then defending Army defends with Def-Value ... so even if i've got TDS, the CRM would first deal his off-value in damage and then would be destroyed (one-time-use?). so i can kill CRMs only with AA-Envelope?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by DerIrrePolterer ().

    • So basically, even if you don’t kill A CM, because the CMs HP is greatly reduced, that basically means that the amount of damage it does to you’re lone SAM is also greatly reduced.

      —nvr only have 1 SAM on the battlefield isolated and by itself, always have pair if possible and aim to get 3-4 SAMs in a stack, those 2 SAMs in stack can act as smaller outer SAM units, basically buffering anti air offense value tick chance and stuff.

      If the CM gets caught in you’re SAMs offensive AA timing than thats you being lucky, but why most Experienced players only count Point defence is because experienced players know how to counter SAM AA tick.
      Damage that CM does to a stack depends on CM’s HP (affects CM damage) after being defence struck and thus if it gets absolutely destroyed by TDS, than CM will do no damage.
    • japan samurai wrote:

      So basically, even if you don’t kill A CM, because the CMs HP is greatly reduced, that basically means that the amount of damage it does to you’re lone SAM is also greatly reduced.

      —nvr only have 1 SAM on the battlefield isolated and by itself, always have pair if possible and aim to get 3-4 SAMs in a stack, those 2 SAMs in stack can act as smaller outer SAM units, basically buffering anti air offense value tick chance and stuff.

      If the CM gets caught in you’re SAMs offensive AA timing than thats you being lucky, but why most Experienced players only count Point defence is because experienced players know how to counter SAM AA tick.
      Damage that CM does to a stack depends on CM’s HP (affects CM damage) after being defence struck and thus if it gets absolutely destroyed by TDS, than CM will do no damage.
      Not sure, but iirc attacking AA directly will have you take double damage if its not on cooldown when you hit it.
      I am The Baseline for opinions
    • japan samurai wrote:

      Attacking SAMs while not on cooldown would mean you take normal defence damage and less offense damage as you try to escape and AA gets Triggrred cause SFs too slow… is that what you mean by “double damage taken”
      No, i mean literally taking double the damage the second you attack it; funny enough that only happens with direct attack but not patrol.
      I am The Baseline for opinions