Ranged Units

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    • 10 hours worth of hitpoint against mrls?
      here how far you can go (start from the middle)
      Screenshot 2023-03-04 193710.png

      and THAT's doesn't even considering terrain into account and how the province is zigzag around. also the longer you taking the hit, the less and less stronger your mbt stack is. Having AA? yeah those gonna die first due to high damage distribution value, your stack will be open to Aircraft to shoot.

      I once have MBT stack 2 hours next to my homeland tried rushing me, I win. period.
      This post was made by Leader of the Church of ROAD
    • noy819038 wrote:

      japan samurai wrote:

      Aeneas of Troy wrote:

      japan samurai wrote:

      Lmfao, don’t sound so sure of yourself or don’t expect people to be kind to you if you’re absolutely wrong
      MbTs help to absorb a lot of damage if you didn’t realise, a 10 stack of MRLs only does about 50-70 damage every hr, if you have 10 stack MBTs its gonna take that stack 10hrs to destroy it, but also allows you to gain land and push for strategic location whilst gaining intel of possible points MRL is going for spec ops to intercept and strike them
      In order words, MBTs there only to act as meat shield thanks to quick healing in waters and to find out what striking capabilties enemy has. 8C56843B-500D-4885-9CB2-7EF11A580F73.jpegon day 25, ally has about 5-7 stacks of such huge units ( comprising of at least 1 MAA lvl 3, 3-5 AFVs and 5-7 lvl 6 Mot inf)
      As you can see these stacks are basically extremely hard to destroy , sure they may not have any MBTs but this is a sure sign of Armoured inf usage that can overpower most air players if they’re not careful
      Ummm, I get that it is nice to have a meat shield, but why not just get some more artillery firepower instead?
      I mean you could get Marty to act as both absorber of damage and Damage dealer, sure you could get more MRLs but for the almost same resource, MBT > MRL in term of HP, by having more HP and meat shield you’re capable of making sure he hits that MBT first and then you Strike his MRL with You’re own.Basically making sure he runs his 1hr timer first whilst you’re arty does counter arty fire, ensuring you’re arty are mainly safe and sound. You could replace that MBT stack with stack of MRLs but that means that you’re stack of MRL will be the one taking damage (if not you’ll be taking more losses per hit if u use other melee unit eg. Mot inf/AFV/ACV because MBT hp is at least 2x of any other unit)
      OHHHHHH i like this!
      my main stack was :
      2 sams
      1 radar
      1 mech inf
      6 artys

      buttttttttttttt i think ill trade out one arty, for 1 MBT.... i know every games diff, but in general how do you like that stack? i build my artys up pretty fast, set them to "aggressive", and use "move" instead of attack.... if radar picks something up they shell until its cleared.

      def been my best stack so far, but always open to improvements
      What? Oh fine…
      Listen up here now, firstly who gets mech inf
      2ndly what kind of arty? Towed? MRL? M arty?
      By what day? Is the only air defence u have just purely SAMs? How about ASFs? Sure you may strike my SAM stacks with ur arty but then all of a sudden my stacks of helis will come busting you’re stacks and tearing them to the ground.
      Aggressive fire mode huh…how very funny indeed, I mean you did mention how that is you’re main stack but I don’t think you’ve realise that any MBT helps to take off damage from artillery units or infantry units. My post regarding MBT usage was to be used as meat shield / 1st echelon, main purpose is to capture land and so on. 2nd echelon is the artillery units and SAMs are to give support further away from the battlefield. Read my post again on how its main goal is to trigger enemy 1hr reload and arty main goal in this case is counter arty.

      As much as artillery is rather easier to produce, they are still relatively weak, with M arty being really expensive (but bulky) , which means trying to get one of you’re main stack probably happens about day 10-15 if you go balls to the wall with that idea. Then again if you went with Towed artillery perhaps a few days early but they’re weak AF. (Day 8-10)

      Mind you, MBTs aren’t even meant to be built until late game/ (you have soo much resource that putting some elecs into MBt meat shields no matter) because they’re pretty useless all around, just like how useless Mech inf is too.