Whats your superpower joke

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    • Whats your superpower joke

      Meeting at the Officer club of CoN. the debate is one about what your superpower. Inf Gen starts how he can run faster then Forest Gump through the jungle. Admiral reaponds that he has the only stealth ship in the world. This makes the tank commander stepping in and boasting about his speed and attack bonus. So finally the Flying Ass plays his cards about being stealth and fast as hell. All laugh and agree and look over to the submarine skipper: Whats your superpower?
      And he responds: You need lvl 100 to upgrade me on tier 3.
      @Dorado If you Close the Forum and move everything to Discord you will lose my Feedback for sure.
    • So the skipper returned home and on his long march to the naval docks he reflected.

      I dont deal considerable damage in comparison to other submarine.
      I dont provide substantial missle capacity that ballistic submarines.
      I am not really stealth cause I have a sonar signature. so every lvl 1 destroyer can spot me.
      I dont provide anti air support.
      My radar capability is minor. I can only spot surface ships. no land units.

      why should somebody hire me and my exclusive service?
      @Dorado If you Close the Forum and move everything to Discord you will lose my Feedback for sure.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by kurtvonstein ().