Many countries managed by the same gamers

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    • Many countries managed by the same gamers

      In one of my last game, I have suspicious than a gamer is gaming many countries alone.
      All his countries are connecting always at the same time and doing the same (stupid) tactical.
      They are never in war together. He has eliminated all the real gamers and now he only attack me to eliminate me.
      I think this cheater is doing that to push up his ranking without risks.
      I have sent an email to support@dominio... but they are not replying.
      • What to do ?
    • Erusuov wrote:

      In one of my last game, I have suspicious than a gamer is gaming many countries alone.
      All his countries are connecting always at the same time and doing the same (stupid) tactical.
      They are never in war together. He has eliminated all the real gamers and now he only attack me to eliminate me.
      I think this cheater is doing that to push up his ranking without risks.
      I have sent an email to support@dominio... but they are not replying.
      • What to do ?

      In a current game, one of the players has told me directly that he has a second account in the game. Both accounts are security council. He told me without the slightest bit of shame. I got the impression that he thinks its perfectly fine and natural to have multiple accounts.

      After this, I started thinking about all the ways people could cheat and I started looking at the rest of the players in that game. I noticed that 7 other players were all from the same CON Alliance. I believe that is referred to as wolf packing and is also against the rules.

      In just this one game 9 of the 64 accounts are cheating; and that's just the accounts that by random chance I was able to uncover!!!! And I am by no means a skilled detective.

      Now I'm like 'holy crap' is everybody except me cheating?!!?

      I've reported all 9 accounts through the in game 'report a bug'.

      But now after reading your experience and seeing that the website owners didn't respond to you, it appears that they don't seem to care if players cheat.

      If the website owners don't enforce their own TOS, then what is the point of the game?

      I don't want to cheat. But I REALLY don't want to be the one honest player in a game where everyone else is cheating.

      What if we start a thread and start discussing all the ways to cheat? At least if we all start cheating, then we'll be on even playing field.

      I realize that what I'm suggesting is messed up; but this is thought process that results from a website that doesn't enforce its own rules. They are to blame for this.
    • If an email isn't working then post the game number here and hope a dev sees it. Post it on a couple other threads that relate to cheaters, bugs, etc. That way your complaint will be more likely to be heard by any devs. Also posting it on the update threads or any newer pinned threads is a better way to have them seen. Hope this helps:)
      "The greatest battles are never won by men but with words"-Me

      "Free flies and no work"-ME

      "Duty is heavier than a mountain death as light as a feather" Lan from the Wheel of Time

    • TheShinwacker wrote:

      If an email isn't working then post the game number here and hope a dev sees it. Post it on a couple other threads that relate to cheaters, bugs, etc. That way your complaint will be more likely to be heard by any devs. Also posting it on the update threads or any newer pinned threads is a better way to have them seen. Hope this helps:)
      What on Earth are you smoking?

      Suggesting the OP turn into a spamming bozo is not a good suggestion.
    • I meant for him to post it on threads that already have this topic in them. At least im trying my best to help. The forum is going to shut down in a few months anyway. Its Dorado's job to keep the game bug free, cheat free, and fun to play. Go ahead and mark his messages as spam or report to the higher authority that this guy is 'spamming' a couple threads. Either way its a win win for someone who just wants to have a good time playing the game with out having to deal with players who cheat. So again @garmcuster, i hope this helps.
      "The greatest battles are never won by men but with words"-Me

      "Free flies and no work"-ME

      "Duty is heavier than a mountain death as light as a feather" Lan from the Wheel of Time

    • Erusuov wrote:

      • What to do ?

      I would suggest raiding one of those countries and destroying it completely - if you have lets say 8 wars due to that coalition starting war with you (+rogue, +some AIs or unfinished business), dont bother with trying to keep its cities against rogue, just conquer all provinces and towns asap till country is out of game. Dont stop, keep going for other. Then the other and other. Once only one is left / they are completely gone, you can retake cities and provinces from rogue.
    • That is a good solution ingame but it might not work. If the Player is cheating then a raid like that would basically be a 1 v 2 or a 1 v 1 where the enemy has twice the strength you do.
      "The greatest battles are never won by men but with words"-Me

      "Free flies and no work"-ME

      "Duty is heavier than a mountain death as light as a feather" Lan from the Wheel of Time

    • Erusuov wrote:

      It means that anybody can open a few account and register them on the same game and it is ok?
      And the support doesn't care the cheaters ?
      Very unfair, that.
      Hi! If you do that, you will be breaching the Terms of Service of the game.
      Please use the "Bug report" button if you play in the App or send us an email to [email protected]
      We will try to investigate and take the proper measures.
      Thank you all for your understanding and your cooperation.
    • Atomio wrote:

      Erusuov wrote:

      It means that anybody can open a few account and register them on the same game and it is ok?
      And the support doesn't care the cheaters ?
      Very unfair, that.
      Hi! If you do that, you will be breaching the Terms of Service of the game.Please use the "Bug report" button if you play in the App or send us an email to [email protected]
      We will try to investigate and take the proper measures.
      Thank you all for your understanding and your cooperation.
      I believe he has already done both of these things and is waiting for a response or any action to be taken regarding the issue.
      "The greatest battles are never won by men but with words"-Me

      "Free flies and no work"-ME

      "Duty is heavier than a mountain death as light as a feather" Lan from the Wheel of Time

    • TheShinwacker wrote:

      That is a good solution ingame but it might not work. If the Player is cheating then a raid like that would basically be a 1 v 2 or a 1 v 1 where the enemy has twice the strength you do.
      Thats exactly the reason why it could work. Cheating player thinks his oponent is looking at situation with reasoning ,,I cant fight 5 countries at once." Cheater will expect you will simply withdraw and prepare for siege the best you can. Thats why he wont expect swift counterattack and wont make fortifications everywhere.

      Key is to turn situation from 5 v 1 into 5 fights 1 v 1. Get yourself artillery, get yourself naval stack of 1 naval officer and 4 cruisers lvl 3, target airfields with field agents and / or bombers and numbers alone wont save him. Doesnt matter your oponents has more units if he cant utilize them effectively.
    • It seems that cheating and using multiple accounts has become very common in CON. And I get the feeling that the company that runs this doesn't care as long as they get more money out of it, i.e. additional security council memberships and gold purchases.

      And they may look at it like it will encourage some honest players to buy gold to fight against the cheaters. Who then buy gold to counter. And that is what the company wants.

      The developers probably care, but don't have the time to investigate every occurrence and report. But they do what they can. And the owners like to keep it that way. Pay lip service to the TOS but gain more revenue.

      As an player, I think this trend is making the game less fun to play. As well as the use of gold. The main reason I play this game is the strategy aspect. Finding the best combination of units, industry, and attack/defense strategies to best your opponents. Who are trying to do the same. Opponents that use gold really ruin that aspect of this game.
    • My son and I play together, sometimes we're at war, sometimes work together. But we both have the same name on the same network and sometimes we get accused of cheating.

      In hindsight, we shouldn't have used our own names.

      But again, if we were cheating - would we be daft enough to use accounts that look the same?

      My son has asked to change his name, but no one got back to him.
    • Randomguy93 wrote:

      It seems that cheating and using multiple accounts has become very common in CON. And I get the feeling that the company that runs this doesn't care as long as they get more money out of it, i.e. additional security council memberships and gold purchases.

      And they may look at it like it will encourage some honest players to buy gold to fight against the cheaters. Who then buy gold to counter. And that is what the company wants.

      The developers probably care, but don't have the time to investigate every occurrence and report. But they do what they can. And the owners like to keep it that way. Pay lip service to the TOS but gain more revenue.

      As an player, I think this trend is making the game less fun to play. As well as the use of gold. The main reason I play this game is the strategy aspect. Finding the best combination of units, industry, and attack/defense strategies to best your opponents. Who are trying to do the same. Opponents that use gold really ruin that aspect of this game.
      That issue exists in every single multiplayer account-based game. I dont remember ever seeing one where some ppl wouldnt make an account with healer/ buffer char to keep them company to save troubles looking for trustworthy ally.

      Its illegal to have more cooperating accounts in same game but due to all those VPN options / shared connections lets say highschool dormitory hard to proove its really case of cheating.

      One more reason why this doesnt seem to be bother is alliance / coalition system. If you have 4 skilled players with you in game, doesnt matter what kind of cheap tricks the cheater will use. He cant be online 24/7, he cant be everywhere, if you have 7mlrs lvl 4+3 sams his ,,gold made" airforce wont save him. If you have naval officer and 4 lvl 3 cruisers his armadas of basic frigates / destroyers / lvl 1 cruisers wont touch you.

      And even if he somehow gets to put all 5 in tough spot... you can always try to write to any of remaining players and ask for help. From my experience, ppl are keen to give cheater a good beating.
    • Hydralysk wrote:

      Erusuov wrote:

      I have sent an email to support@dominio... but they are not replying.
      • What to do ?

      Nothing to do.Start another game.
      It happens.
      If the individual is cheating, hopefully the developers will take action.
      If he ain't, then learn to enjoy losing to him.
      The developers never take action. Even if you report it they will say that they have checked and have found no evidence of cheating.
      I am the best player of this game that was and ever will be