Some ideas for improving the game economics

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    • Some ideas for improving the game economics

      I've talked to some people through the chat and on the game and they have mentioned a wish to develop non-city provinces. Whilst I feel it would it would ruin the game dynamics to build new cities or unit producing buildings it is a shame that territories cannot be developed. For instance it would be cool once your morale in a non-city territory reaches over 50% you could do a "exploration" to see if you can develop a territory or if it has certain rare resources. For instance if their is oil or gas deposits you could setup a oil refinery and give the territory a a minor fuel resource bonus. Or with rare materials you can set up a mine or if the land is fertile you could create farmland and increase supplies. Or factories to increase components.
      Similarly the value of controlling the sea is limited to just military actions (like blowing stuff up). It would be cool it one could capture or build offshore Oil rigs. This would add a new dimension to sea battle instead of simply hunting and killing enemy fleets.

      Some Military orientated buildings.
      There are some coastal territories which have lv.1 harbors. It would be good if it was possible to build some more so you can move units around more easily. Building Rough Airfields as well so you can station air units closer to the front line or strategically lift them to remote areas that are far away from the city, it would also give players the opportunity to be able to relocate and use air units when their airfields are destroyed or damaged. Radar early warning stations so you can see approaching Missile or Air Attacks. These Harbors, radar facilities and rough airfields however won't be able to build units and still cost resources to maintain. Each non-city province will be limited to one build slot and not all provinces will have resources or be able to build rough airfields (Forests, rain forests, Mountains) or harbours (no adjacent sea).

      Population is this game needs some work to give it more meaning than simple economics. You should be able to decrease population in non-city provinces (the recovery of that population will be dependent on terrain and morale) when WMDs are used. When population decreases it should be reflected as a casualty number. For instance 1= 100,000 people. So when you drop and nuke or chem on a city and the news report states great loss of life this should really be reflected in the game where it tells you how many people you just killed. Causalities just seem to be limited to military units. It would make the game more realistic

      Another point is Media. Propaganda is an important aspect of modern Warfare. And morale is a feature in the game. But there are limited ways of boosting morale of cities. Having a new building such as media or broadcasting center could help boost morale and increase the spread of morale to neighboring provinces.

      I find it odd in this game that there are only 2 weapons of mass destruction available when units can get nuclear, biological and chemical weapon protection. I think biological weapons should be aspect of the game. But instead of being able to use them tactically (against military units) like with Chemical and Nuclear weapons. They should be purely strategic weapons to be used against cities to damage an enemy's economy by killing population and decreasing morale. This would make field hospitals more important reducing the chance of a successful outbreak. Like you do with de-contamination there should be a vaccination program to eradicate the disease in the city. Units that leave a infected city could spread it to other cities or territories (Unless they have NBC protection). You could also increase the level of the pathogen to make it more lethal, immune and contagious. Biological weapons could be deployed by agents or Cruise Missiles.

      Non City Territory Building:
      Rough Air Field-Allows stragetic airlifting and refuelling of air units
      Early Warning Radar Staiton- detects enemy aircraft and missiles
      Lv.1 Harbour- allows units to embark and disembark for sea travel
      Mine- adds rare material bonus
      Factory- adds component bonus
      Oil Well- adds fuel bonus
      Argiculture- adds supply bonus

      New City Building:
      Broadcasting center- Improves Morale and Morale spread

      New WMD Biological Weapons:
      Anthrax (Is not contagious but is lethal and long lasting, requires decontamination) weapons lab 2
      Plague (Lethal and very contagious, but is quicker to vaccinate) weapons lab 3
      Influenza (Very contagious but less lethal, vaccination length varies) weapons lab 3
      Ebola (Very Lethal and contagious, harder to vaccinate) weapons lab 4

      These are just some Ideas to improve the game mechanics and make it more realistic.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Lord Aodhan ().

    • Some of those ideas are really cool ideas, i like how you mention that people could have resource building outside cities that could give in some extra % of resources, and also the news sounds nice aswell
      Have a nice day

      Conflict of Nations - EN Game Operator
      Conflict of Nations - PL Team Leader
      Call of War - EN Senior Game Operator
      Thirty Kingdoms - PL Main Administrator
    • I thought the Early warning radar would be a good idea because when CoN finally adapts itself to mobile gaming, your radar warning stations could give you a warning notifications that a UFO has entered your airspace or that a enemy has launched Ballistic Missiles at you. I've have just come up with another building idea in the mean time for Non-city provinces. There isn't much you can really do when an enemy has taken all your cities, but you still have loads of territory left under your control. Insurgents are a feature of the game and it would be cool if you when you have lost all your cities or a non-city province has revolted and against a enemy joins your country. You could build a insurgent camp to recruit insurgents to fight a guerrilla war against your occupier. The insurgent camp would be just like a Army base (same cost build and time to build. But with less HP and only Cash daily upkeep). The only units you can recruit are Insurgents and it would be hidden from global view much like a secret weapons lab is. This would keep a player in the game a little longer or would allow a player to hold out until allied reinforcements arrive. A insurgent camp could be built on any undeveloped non-city province but would only be allowed to be constructed under certain conditions like when a player is loosing or if there is a pro-player separatist movement in a non-city province.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Lord Aodhan ().

    • I totally disagree with making it possible to build in provinces.
      Except for something like a bunker or forward operation base, which is already on the table and will be implemented soon.
      strategy comes into play when having to take cities, take that away and take away a huge chunk of strategy
      dont want this to become cow and get a uber economy making buildings everywhere, its a war game not a build game...

      same thing for harbors, just go get marines or special forces.. amphibious stuff

      - there are already ground radar units on the table to be implemented. fixed structures you wont get, besides your provinces can see any unit on it so that sort of already is a radar.

      - possibility to increase/decrease pop in provinces actually would be bad, you know how much insurgency you get that way? you would have to station troops in every and all provinces you take. dragging a war with just one country out to a 3 weeks- 1 month. no thanks

      -morale, propaganda is already in it, trough the use of spies you can decrease, spend some gold to increase it. I do think that should be cheaper but still cost gold, that way more people would use that function, now its just to expensive to really use in logic sense. They would make more money and generate more interest in doing so. so no, no addition of anything like that, i want this game to keep on going you know.
      This game is not pay to win, they make it very nice for us, why would you want to take that away?

      Sorry but you should read trough the forums before investing so much time in things that already are in the game or are on the table..
      And I dont like your versions/suggestions at all, they way how they are implemented at this very moment and how the ones that are on the table will be implemented are nice. I dont think yours are..

      Though there is an exception...
      I do like your idea of the chemical weapon
      but then again, bunkers protect population so a weapon especially designed against population makes no sense.
      Nor does it make any sense becouse you need cities to win, destroying its pop will take ages to regain and you wont get any resources like that.
      So 2nd though.. no dont like this idea neither sorry.

      The forward operation base they will add soon will probably be some sort of bunker/airfield/base kind of thing.

      - a forward operations base will be implemented soon
      - ground radar units will be implemented soon.
      - Give me a lever long enough, and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world -
    • IshXIII wrote:

      morale, propaganda is already in it, trough the use of spies you can decrease, spend some gold to increase it. I do think that should be cheaper but still cost gold, that way more people would use that function, now its just to expensive to really use in logic sense. They would make more money and generate more interest in doing so. so no, no addition of anything like that, i want this game to keep on going you know.
      This game is not pay to win, they make it very nice for us, why would you want to take that away?

      Sorry didn't realize this idea will kill the game :D :D :D . The only thing that adds a morale bonus is bunkers, Gold or less wars. But I will take this as constructive criticism. Propaganda centers (Media/broadcasting centers) I my opinion should still be a part of the game but their role will be to decrease the effect of capital distance. The further away your capital is the longer it takes for morale to recover. Broadcasting center's will reduce the negative effect of capital distance. A broadcasting center will be like the recruitment center is for mobilization time. But it won't instantly give a morale stat improvement like bunkers or gold does. It's more a subtle stat improvement to speed up the time it takes from more remote cities and nearby regions to like living under your rule. It won't increase morale but will allow it to increase under more average rates.

      IshXIII wrote:

      possibility to increase/decrease pop in provinces actually would be bad, you know how much insurgency you get that way?

      I had two points relating to population one was that civilian causality numbers should be reflected in the news reports, not just military causalities. The other was that if you used "WMDs", against non-city territories the population would be hurt by it. The max population cap is 1 in non-city territories so it would only be able to drop to 0.1 and would recover to 100% more quickly. It was just to make it more realistic. Like surely the people living in non-city provinces aren't invincible to Chemical weapons and Nukes.

      IshXIII wrote:

      strategy comes into play when having to take cities, take that away and take away a huge chunk of strategy
      dont want this to become cow and get a uber economy making buildings everywhere, its a war game not a build game...

      I agree that all territories shouldn't be able to economically develop as that would undermine cities. What I said is that some non-territories would have certain resources you 'could' develop after you have 'explored them'. 'Not all' provinces will have the resources and to balance things out they could be only limited to rogue states (non player states) to give some greater strategic importance to different countries other than simply capturing cities. You said I should read the forums, but you haven't read my thread properly. Each province would be limited to only one build slot, if you've built something already you can't build anything else unless your destroy what have already built (which is a new feature).

      It's not Op either You would have to 'explore territory' to 'see' if it has extra resource potential, like a faster and cheaper annexation. It wouldn't be a automatic option and not all territories would have the resources to develop. The resources gained from these territories would only be minor contribution to the economy, much like how little manpower and cash they produce. I suggested this because people have told me they want to build stuff from the global chat and in game. But building city buildings would only undermine the cities hence why I would suggested 'new' territory buildings to give players the option. I don't see how this undermines cities, since they still produce more resources, more VP and can build units. Strategy shouldn't be down to simply blowing stuff up or capturing cites. In real war natural resources do play a role. Oil fields for a example have strategic importance. Some rare Earth Elements can only be found in certain locations in the world. During world war 2, the Russians and Nazis built entirely new factories outside of cities in the rural country to avoid being bombed. The Russians moved their industrial base to the Urals to supply the Red Army without the risk of being bombed. and once again I have said the resource contribution would be small you would need a lot of territories with resource bonus to contribute significantly to the economy. And once you economically develop these territories your opponents can see that see that has resource bonuses there. Players will still logically go for cities to stop the enemy building units or using them as resupply points (Airbases). But seeing if countries have particular resource bonuses, may influence the decision of some players if they are short on resources and can see that a country has those additional resources. Besides it would make alliances more interesting than simply agreeing to simply split countries in half, you would have to negotiate or tactically capture land with known or unknown resource benefit.

      Yes this a wargame. But there are different strategies to fight a war and some players like building stuff. Hitler tried capture all the Russian cities in world war 2 for symbolic reasons and lost completely because of it. You criticized me for undermining the game but my ideas for improving the use of territories was suggested in a way that doesn't undermine the importance of cities. And surely CoN would like to attract a broader base of players. Having a bigger pool of players and people using different strategies is better than simply having smaller pool of players using the same strategy. They are already moving in this direction and I'm glad as you have told me they already in the process of doing two of the things I suggested that I wasn't aware of.

      "Give me a lever long enough, and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world" using your signature I don't see how its a bad idea to improve the Fulcrum (economy of the game).

      IshXIII wrote:

      same thing for harbors, just go get marines or special forces.. amphibious stuff

      I don't get where your going with harbors. Harbors only work if there is another harbor to deploy your troops to. Most Islands have no harbors so you would still need Marines to go and capture them. And you can only build in your own territory. So I don't see where your going with that point you will still need amphibious units. Besides Harbors already exist in some non-city provinces, So why can't you build more? If I capture some Island in the lets say the Philippines with my 'Marines' why can't I build a harbor to move some units to the island like a cruise missile launcher. Besides there is a risk with Harbors since the enemy can use them and you can't build units with lv.1 harbors. I don't think people will go around spamming harbors all over the place it would just be a waste of resources.

      IshXIII wrote:

      Though there is an exception...
      I do like your idea of the chemical weapon
      but then again, bunkers protect population so a weapon especially designed against population makes no sense.
      Bunkers would only protect population against conventional, Chemical and Nuclear weapons. Not necessarily biological weapons. Hospitals would protect people from Biological weapons, reduce the chances of outbreak and speed up vaccination. Biological weapons can spread to another city if a player moves his units (unless they have the NBC protection upgrades). It's not the same as simply killing population much like the way chemical weapons and nuclear weapons do. Besides you would still be able to build and recruit units. It will just make it more difficult to move them around if they are unprotected and your economy will suffer if you don't deal with the problem. You say that a weapon against population makes no sense. It does. Mass causalities increase unrest and hurt the economy. Chemical and Nuclear weapons just damage and contaminate they don't really hurt the population in the same way I'm talking about. Like if you want to protect yourself against chemical and nuclear weapons just put SAMs in a city and build bunkers. If you want to protect yourself against biological weapons build hospitals or use counter intelligence agents to capture the agents deploying the weapon. I'm glad you like this idea, but I do think it is workable.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Lord Aodhan ().