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    • Ok so the Ai needs some tweaking. I had been playing a game where i had an alliance and a military with shared intelligence pact. We have been playing for 27 days. They went in active and the Ai took over and the first thing they did was declare war on me i mean what the hell. Shouldn't it take into account we had an alliance and keep that makes no sense.
    • I think I might know what the problem is. Did you have any units in your friend's country before they went inactive? Because if you did the AI probably switched to peace and since you 'invaded' war happened. If you didn't have anything in there or flying over them and they really did declare war on you then yeah tweaking needs to happen. There have been AI tweaks before when AIs have acted funny so I think they will at least address the issue if the situation I mentioned isn't what happened to you.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by tinydragon303 ().