Air Bases

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    • Other than producing units that require a certain level of Air Base, what positive effect is gained with higher level Air bases? I see the negative effect is higher upkeep cost, but I see nothing positive. I could see creating an air corridor with high level air bases that would refuel planes quicker, but I don't see anything like that in the description notes of the Air Base.
      "For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?" -
    • I hope that becomes a thing. Faster refuel rates for higher level airfields. I would also like to see province airfields be cheaper or upgradable since (as I saw posted somewhere) they have the cost of L4 airbase with only the benefit of landing in a province. Upgrades would make it possible to have built in anti air defenses or something.
    • MallahanJr wrote:

      Other than producing units that require a certain level of Air Base, what positive effect is gained with higher level Air bases? I see the negative effect is higher upkeep cost, but I see nothing positive. I could see creating an air corridor with high level air bases that would refuel planes quicker, but I don't see anything like that in the description notes of the Air Base.
      Here is an additional reason for higher level air bases:

      At higher levels of play, it is all about these air bases. They allow for closer air support. They also are how additional troops are moved in. And they are critical for air infantry and fast land grabs.

      So what we do... we kill all of your air bases right off the bat. Even at the expense of losing units. In the old system we did this with lots of missiles. Now that missiles are slow and short, we use bombers. We literally ignore your aircraft. And Just prevent it from ever taking off again.
      In some cases the airfields are bombarded.
      Higher level air bases last longer and are harder to kill.
      An extra hour or 2 can make a huge difference.

      I don't upgrade my air bases for this purpose. BUT... i consider it a hell of a nice bonus when I have an excuse to upgrade one.