Overall casualties on the news

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    • Overall casualties on the news

      I think another good feature is to have 1) The amount of casualties, military and civilian, of the war since it started (day 1) on the news, and 2) the same, but only for the previous day.

      Civilian casualties are always more of a mystery in CON. Here I will deviate a little from this suggestion. When a city goes to 1, what is that population threshold? Does 1= 1 million? If so, most cities should be far smaller than the 4-5 range at day 1. And remember, it's 2020. The world population can't be that high in most cities . But on the other hand, cities like Tokyo have far more than the 4-5 million. I'm not suggesting to balance it out, as some cities might start lower than 1, and others above 10. Of course, this is not a war simulator of any sort and should not be treated that way. However, with the idea being a more realistic game than most, that imposes a big problem on dealing with civilian casualties. Of course, there's the morale modifier. But the game probably knows what population number (this time the 1-10 numbers currently in place) each nation has suffered. That's an option to put into the news for the purpose of the suggestions, but I want to go into the exact numbers themselves. That is only attainable by equaling a population unit to an actual population, which I can't do. That's up for everyone in Dorado and Bytro to figure out.

      Military casualties are far easier. Just put all of the casualties in every war so far in the game, add them all up, and you get the number.

      And last thing, again sort of unrelated---Slower population growth. Cities grow much too fast now. In one or two weeks, a city can go all the way to 10.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by B-17 ().

    • We deliberately do not show civilian casualty numbers - the population is an abstraction and should remain abstract. I seriously don't want all of the smart people in the forum coming back with "Blabla city is actually X million according to wiki - can't you devs get anything right..."
      Think of the pop number as a mix of productivity, population , and general level of society. CIV has had this system pretty much since the beginning and I see no reason why we should change except to inevitably break the suspension of disbelief by never getting the numbers right. Because we wouldn't. And it would feel very awkward.

      If you are interested in a realistic estimate we can assume the following:

      A level 5 city is about 1 million people in the larger area. A level 10 city would probably be a mega city of 10 million +
      Now of course cities do not grow as fast as in the game so we really have to abstract it.

      Let us assume the following numbers according to Wikipedia en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualty_ratio

      Civilian Casualty rate of 1.5 to 1.7 vs military casualties. These are the actual "dead or missing".
      Then there are the displaced and refugees - making up the bulk of about 8x military casualty rate.

      In total this would mean that for 10.000 military casualties one could estimate about 15.000 civilian casualties and another 80.000 civilian refugees and displaced.

      Now we actually rather need to revisit our military casualties because they may be to low...
      "Going to war without France is like going hunting without an accordion." Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf
    • You are salty today, with "realism" crusaders :D

      Ok for civilian casualties. Another part of his proposal was to show the "sum" of countries military losses, maybe under the form of a ranking : "The countries that have suffered the most from war : 1°) German : 124.045 / 2°) France : 98.234 ..." Not critical, but adds a bit of flavor

      As for military casualties... i don't know. Of course they "seem" low, but they are based on the manpower, something that makes sense. Maybe some values, especially for infantry, can be "buffed" a little to pump the numbers, but it's not critical (it's cool for RP, though ;p)
      Running an online alliance is pretty much like running a small company, except you need to find other way than money to keep your employees productive. May they play or work, they are humans.
    • Do we really need to display the amount of civ's killed? In the end of the day this is a war game and the goal is to conquer the world. We dont need to remember we have killed X amount of Computer people :P
      The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants
      - Thomas Jefferson

      Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.
      - Milton Friedman

      Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.
      - Sun Tzu
    • If I had a way of showing it "realistically" I would even root for it but my biggest problem in all honesty is the issue of unrealistic population levels for simple balancing and fun reasons. It kinda doesn't make sense to display Chinese pop around the same number as e.g. Russia's. As long as we abstract it works - once I see millions instead of billions or v.v. the suspension of disbelief evaporates.

      "Going to war without France is like going hunting without an accordion." Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf
    • Germanico wrote:

      If I had a way of showing it "realistically" I would even root for it but my biggest problem in all honesty is the issue of unrealistic population levels for simple balancing and fun reasons. It kinda doesn't make sense to display Chinese pop around the same number as e.g. Russia's. As long as we abstract it works - once I see millions instead of billions or v.v. the suspension of disbelief evaporates.

      Maybe we could have more abstract civilian casualty figures as well. Maybe 'very low, low, medium, high, and catastrophic' can be implemented. It would be based on civilian casualty value/days, then look at previous games to have a civilian casualty figure based on percentage.

      Can military figures still be implemented?