GAME UPDATE (171130)

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    • An overpowered unit is a unit whose pick-rate is too high compared to other units, when benchmarked for specific roles against other units.

      It was the case in MLR for the following roles :

      - Anti-infantry long range support
      - Anti-armord long range support (nerfed in current update)
      - Secondary HP buffer for assault (nerfed in current update)
      - Assault artillery
      - Anti-Naval choke point defender (nerfed in current update)

      There are some things that do not really miss the eyes of the people who fight : it's when, day 50, 16 players over 16 players did their research in their corner, and ended with the conclusion the most efficient ground combo was MLR-Mobile anti-air-mech inf.

      Did you know that in late game, 4 mech inf + 1 mobile anti-air + 5 MLR will passively win agasint 5 Gunships and 5 attack helicopters (merged or not)
      Did you know that in late game, 3 mobile anti-air + 7 MLR will passively win againt 8 strike fighters
      Did you know that a stack of 4 mech inf + 1 mobilea anti-air + 5 MLR in plains will passively win against a charge of 4 MBT + 3 mech inf (To be honest, it was winning. But as soon as the mobile anti air died, the group was nuked)
      Did you know that MLRs had low priority when it comes to damage calculation, meaning they always die last in a stack

      You can trust the warriors of Nelva on this. We did try extensively to counter the MLR properly, and we ended to use MLR + 24/24 connectivity to counter the MLR of the opposing side (with a bit of nuclear nuke for stack wipe. Used from both sides). it became pretty much what you have on Supremacy1914, with pure artillery fighting.

      The nerf of the MLR mainly concerned its late game capacities as well as global anti-naval capacity. It doesn't kill his role, and shouldn't reduce its desirability in the early-mid game.

      however, in late, MLR is the meta, as much as artillery is the meta on supremacy ( aka the cake of your composition).

      It's a style. But CoN has the ambition of having less "meta" than other games, and so, to have "each" unit fitting a role in a huge strategical shifumi. If after this update, i still use MLR as 50% of my troops, as it was the case until now, well, i will take as a conclusion the unit is still too desirable. The feedback of experienced fighter is great because they always choose for the optimal most unbalanced solution (aka the meta)

      I precise all my observations are "pre nerf data". New balancing, new data to be recorded, new conclusions to be made. New game planned for experimentation in large scale wars (~400-500 units on each side). This is just a part of why i advocate for this nerf, in regard to the general balancing of units amongst themselves. I'm eager for good arguments in favor of a rebuff or a expanded nerf, especially if maths and design intelligence.
      Running an online alliance is pretty much like running a small company, except you need to find other way than money to keep your employees productive. May they play or work, they are humans.
    • So my suggestion to you would be to not even nerf there ability to hit air take it away completely. as well as tanks, and any other unit that can not hit air in real life. I take this game is meant to be more of a real life war strategy game. and honestly tanks MLRS Armored fighting Vehicles. those thing should have NO i repeat no ability to hit jets small arms fire would never catch a F 22 raptor. F-14 F-15 F-16 F-18 F-35 F-117. or any other jet on the face of the planet. the chances of small arms fire bringing down a helicopter is slim to none. instead player should be forced to support there front lines with AS fighter to hold the AIr superiority. the problem again WAS not the balance of the unit but the units you tried to counter them with. MLRS should be slightly over powered against ground targets because that is the way it happens in real life. They do not throw up a white flag and say hold on let me reduce the war head capacity of my units because. your a weaker army. And they should not have the ability to hit air at all. I mean you guys have a great start here. and would you know. i personally never had an Issue killing an enemies MLRS in late or at the start of a game. to often people look at the game and Be like i need this and this to win build lots of them. if they were forced to I do not know balance there own armies to handle all kinds of threats. then you would not see 65 MLRS and 30 TDS on the enemies or your own side. No matter what you do IN a online game someone will figure out something to abuse. That my friends is just human nature.

      I will bring you to the point in WW2 When the Germans Were advancing across Europe. no one said we need to nerf the German tanks or there bazookas. they got there rear end in the Design factories. and built better equipment.
      I realize we cant just take our self to a top secret weapons lab and start drawing up new types of armor or Planes tanks and bullets. and i agree that some nerfs were needed Like Taking away there ability to hit air all together. reducing there impact on ships But damn it MLRS were designed in real life to murder enemy tanks INFT AND building and they should damn well do so in game if you want to force people to balance them self consider putting a cap on what they can build Say if you have a 100 unit army you could only build max 15 MLRS units. something along those lines.
    • Also If i directly attack 7 MLRS with 5 maxed strike fighters. the maxed strike fighters wins After 3 passes with very little damage so i do not know what math you were using but. it simply was not fact. Leave the common core where it started in the dumpster perhaps!!!! and again You guys have terrain buffs and debuffs. did you do the math with your units at there strong points or weak points.

      Also i am one of those dude that will Sail up to a enemies coastline and Bombard it with Ship ARTy until it goes rogue then move on to the next city ill use the Rogue state as another form of my invasion force make them to fight on 2 fronts pretty brilliant to damn near double my attack forces is some cases are we gonna nerf that ability to? I am sure that was not an Intended function of Rogue state but it works.

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Admiral Gojira ().

    • Here is my biggest question Did you try to counter the MLR while on a ship or transport plane? my favorite thing to do is is get my navy off there coastline and pick there Reinforcements off under transport ships i use the cruisers/ destroyers Air transport i use AS or strike fighters to chase them down which ever is on my carrier group.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Admiral Gojira ().

    • I agree you should use terrain, unit strengths and weaknesses, diplomacy, all of it, to really master the game. Yes you can counter mlrs with attack copters or strike fighters, but one mlrs should not in reality be able to hold off two tank and 3 mech infantry units, without even getting hit. THAT is overpowered. Why didn't the player attack me with air units? I don't know, maybe he didn't have a base within range, maybe his units were tied up somewhere else and he figured that armored column could take a lone mlrs, I can't say. But it was ridiculous.

      Jacopo: Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

      Remember that no one ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb idiot die for his country.
    • well in my opinion Sir your quote says it all. Remember that no one ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb idiot die for his country.

      and yes it should be able to if you picked them up at max range. the range is the ability. it should pound it to the ground. I think that they should Put a % cap on support units. that would solve them being the only thing people were building. I mean think about it in real life you call in an arty strike to wipe things out or weaken the front line. that being said there not the only thing a military enters battle with.