anti aircraft guns

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      Anti Air guns = Mobile AA? SAM? TD?

      • Mob AA is strong against helis, and weak against missiles and airplanes
      • SAM is strong against airplanes but has no damage against helis
      • Theater Def is strong against missiles but weak against airplanes and has no damage vs helis

      So essentially you have to figure out what you are facing and then attack it appropriately.
      SAM and TD can be taken out by helis quite effectively.
      Mob AA is not very strong vs Strikes and missiles so those tend to be a quick solution for them.

      And of course all of them are either weak or even defenseless vs ground units (eg. stealthy special forces).

      "Going to war without France is like going hunting without an accordion." Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf
    • I'll point out here that this system of rather unrealistic parity makes air defense twice as difficult as offense. Only causing the blitzkrieger to have to probe probable AD sites, than just nullifying that system with either of it's corresponding two attack craft. Although, I'm uncertain of my assumption in practise really. I believe the AAA should be moderate vs. choppers and light vs. aircraft. SAM; heavy vs. choppers, moderate vs. aircraft, very light vs. missiles. TD moderate vs. aircraft, and moderate vs. missiles. If things are patterned somewhat realistically than you can pull the Harpoon computer game crowd. If not than you're stuck wtih New World Empires (sorry NWE <3 ).

      The post was edited 1 time, last by mccarty.geoff: maybe i should playtest before suggesting? nah.. ().