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    • This is a working thread on compiling in-game parameters. I'd rather it be posted to somewhere out of the way like 'design discussion' but, (((bizzarely))) that is a locked forum.
      -The current dataset contains basic unit costs and upkeep. European doctrine infantry combat properties have also be documented. I'll be using CSV format because it is universal (literally 8-bit).

      Naturally, during data entry you think of ways not to do data entry. A better method of tuning my print screen and gimping the images into graphical datasets has come to mind. I've got the entirety of the eastern doctrine captured but, with a 4MB upload limit of course I cannot attach it here. Even this method was ridiculous in it's effort of course. I'd have to setup a java script service which could apply the encoded gzipped parameters to match their windowed locations if I wanted to get anymore efficient. Anyhow, I find this more amusing than playing a computer game. ;]

      I appreciate criticism and fellow member's assistance in this effort.

      The post was edited 9 times, last by Germanico: the absolute madman ().