Crimea is Russia

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  • They have northern Cyprus which isnt official either. So i do agree with the Crimean part.
    ''The war with Greece proved that nothing is firm in the military and that surprises always await us.'' -Benito Mussolini
    "You fought unarmed and won, small against big. We owe you gratitude, because you gave us time to defend ourselves. As Russians and as people we thank you." -Moscow Radio To Greeks
  • Let's please leave any following political discussion out of the game forum. Thanks.
    We do not follow any political agenda, are based in Malta (a block-free country actually) and often decide geography and topography based on Google Maps and Game Design requirements.
    Factually some of the maps have a historical setting, some are showing "possible" events (such as the Flashpoint map) and some are based on today's national setting.

    I immediately can conjure up several "hot-spots" which we sometimes show correctly, sometimes not - depending on the setting of the map, such as:

    • Falkland (Malvinas) Islands
    • Ukraine / Donbas / Crimea
    • Cyprus (Greek/Turkish)
    • Macedonia / FYROM
    • and further Balkan Countries (don't even get me started)

    ... as well as other nations around the globe which we simply incorporated into neighbors or omitted fully.

    We all know our geography, are politically educated and have good knowledge of local conflicts and regional military deployment.
    Nonetheless, we do not care for absolute political or geographical correctness of our maps. Why so? Because we are a game and we will never get it right anyway - depending on the views of the person viewing the map.
    I hope this makes sense and still allows anyone to enjoy a game which tries to depict modern war in a fun way (if such a thing is possible), without being a simulation.

    "Going to war without France is like going hunting without an accordion." Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf