Damage Radius von Raketen

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      • All Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs aka nukes and chemicals) now have friendly fire turned on. This means that if you drop a nuke or a chem on or near (see AoE) your own or friendly troops (coalition, right of way - you name it) they will suffer full effects. To our knowledge, gas or nukes do not distinguish...
      • All WMD's now have an increasing Area of Effect (AoE), in which damages (including friendly fire) are dealt
        • Chemical/Nuclear Cruise Missile AoE Range (from center of impact): Tier1: 10 / Tier2: 15 / Tier3: 20
        • Chemical/Nuclear Ballistic Missile AoE Range (from center of impact):Tier1: 25 / Tier2: 30 / Tier3: 35
        • Nuclear Intercontinental Ballistic Missile AoE Range (from center of impact): Tier1: 50 / Tier 2: 75