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    • I`m experienced in strategy games have been playing this game for a month -more like investigating -
      and here is my notes
      1- This game is very tactical using the concept of -each unit having certain weakness -
      This type of games are fun but requires 24/7 activity
      2- What is really weird about this game is gold you can buy literally any thing with it
      Most games employ moderate methods like(production increase +25% or faster build)
      but buying resources with gold is -Excuse me- exaggeration .

      3-Of course land dependent properties is fun but It`s a bit over confusing
      4-Mbt strategy is not really strong as mbts have weaknesses in most terrains and of course because of stacking dis advantages
      5-Differences between dictoran are minor May be u should make special units for each dictoran.
      6-Officers hit points are less than expected
      7-Stacking minuses limits many fine strategies I think that penalties should be unit dependent