BUG in gameID=2616486

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    • BUG in gameID=2616486

      First I apologize for the English because it is using Google Translate. In this MAP, I think you have BUG because weird things happen. Right now in Vietnam, I took some cities that were later taken over by Rogue State, when I took it from him, these cities are still under his control, although my army is in those cities. This is happening throughout the Vietnam territory from almost and in parts of India where my army is located, but those provinces are still under the control of India or Vietnam
    • Hi @lestomaja,

      EDIT: If you are at peace with the nation then you cannot conquer the provinces. A way to conquer the lands is to change from 'Peace' to 'War' :)

      Also, may I ask; What made you change your relation to peace? Do you know why or how it happened? Did you choose to do it, or it happened because of something you did? We're interested to know why
      Dorado Games
      Conflict Of Nations

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Yak ().