Getting killed no matter my strategy!!!

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    • I have been playing the game for some time now. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer small (local) maps. on the global maps, there are always one or two players who buy everything with gold and produce high-level units in just a few hours. sometimes I have the impression these players should animate others to spend a lot of money. I now know some who see the same. I have already spent money. I am a member of the council. But I do not spend any money to dominate the game unfairly. I also defeated gold players with coalitions. But those were the ones who stopped at some point because it was too expensive for them. but if you have players in a round that just conquer so many points that it is no longer possible to win the game without fighting with them, When these players produce "hundreds" of high-level units to turn this conflict into a VISA or AmEx battle, the game is destroyed as a strategy game. you can not even go to work reassured under such conditions. It is not my job to play this game 24/7. If you spend days struggling to get a position in this game and someone pays hundreds of Euros or Dollars to beat you in a few hours, then that's no fun anymore. The game is good, but the cash benefits are too big and unfair.
    • So I have another question... this one is about the boarding/dismount times for transports... sometimes I’ve noticed it’ll only take 15 minutes compared to over an hour long... why is that and how can I lower it? Also for refueling planes/helos it’s normally 15 minutes but will occasionally be 30-40 minutes. I’m so confused
    • Paintpro wrote:

      So I have another question... this one is about the boarding/dismount times for transports... sometimes I’ve noticed it’ll only take 15 minutes compared to over an hour long... why is that and how can I lower it? Also for refueling planes/helos it’s normally 15 minutes but will occasionally be 30-40 minutes. I’m so confused
      as I also answered on discord:
      boarding takes 1 hour, refueling 15 min

      being overstacked increases time, so does a damaged level 1 airport
    • Paintpro wrote:

      JeremyKJ wrote:

      Do invest much in Air Defence? That can be crucial, especially if you don't want to be bombed to oblivion
      Yes I have... I’ve became really undecided in which one to actually use...
      Speaking from personal experience, I usually focus on MAA (Mobile Anti-Air) and get that maxed. Would need to make sure a fellow coalition member is going to build SAMs if we face heavy air users. If alone, like the game I'm currently in, I've beaten back an entire coalition using nothing nothing but Mot Inf and MAA with some Attack Helis sprinkled on top.

      Kalrakh wrote:

      You kind of have to use all kinds, because every kind of air defense is a specialised countermeasure.
      As a general rule of thumb, I've found that MAAs will do all jobs satisfactorily enough. You're right though, that each AA unit specializes in something: MAA = choppers, SAM = fixed wing, and TDS = missiles. Seeing as how most games (that don't involve heavy golders) are resolved before end game is reached, MAAs are your first go to unit imho. Once maxed, they can be deadly to fixed wing as well. They never are not worthy enough of dealing with T2 missiles though.
      "Any of you *uckin' pricks move, and I'll execute every mother*uckin' last one of ya!" - Honey Bunny
    • Yeah I’ve been getting both of them.. I just started actually playing not to long ago.. before I used to just try and get the air armaments for infantry which only made me die more because I thought I didn’t need AA...

      I usually get the first one up to the airlift upgrade and then I get the next one requiring lvl 3 base and max that out since by then people will have misled... I tried just getting the middle one but I kept dying from air attacks before I could get there.
    • how old are you ?

      second try use head most problem is players stupidity and say gold gold gold no problem zero strategy zero tactic or zero activity

      first easy what have evrybody on start most ? infatry so first day is about rush or be rushed or wait before two fight and easy strike when you see (most by con news that this most died in batle )

      2 way for rush ( make infatry only nothing invest and make 10 stack and rush enemy without care about revolt and own homeland just make imposible for enemy recruit )

      or make unit that hard strike infantry ( helicopter ,armored car ) and specialy on speed map is wery usable evrything what deal damage and heal fast than army - like most is inaf make only infatry to defend rogue and make big fleet and navy and when you make your space in world prepare for midle and future (anti air anti nuke navy )

      last read info about terain in evry unit and before take nation make plan what you reseach and build if you dont have plan you must be gold player or wery active or still looser
    • The level in public games is awful indeed. The real threat to such users is when 3 mates from the same alliance make a coalition and specialise themselves as well as organise themselves "as on a challenge".

      Even with that, though, you'd need to "not be too close" to the guy, and to have the opportunity to build your strength.
      Running an online alliance is pretty much like running a small company, except you need to find other way than money to keep your employees productive. May they play or work, they are humans.
    • Paintpro wrote:

      So I have another question... this one is about the boarding/dismount times for transports... sometimes I’ve noticed it’ll only take 15 minutes compared to over an hour long... why is that and how can I lower it? Also for refueling planes/helos it’s normally 15 minutes but will occasionally be 30-40 minutes. I’m so confused
      its about stack (if over take long and about level of port and how its damage - most at airfield )