Submarine engaging disembarking units at land zone

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    • Submarine engaging disembarking units at land zone

      Issue: sub is engaging only one disembarking unit.
      bug 3.jpgbug subs.jpgbug 2.jpg

      new SS, enemy just landed, except that unit sub engaged:
      bug 4.jpgbug 5.jpg

      one shows subs still fighting this unit, another not and unit moving:

      TDS (that let me remind should be still engaged by sub) shot at my CM, but seems not to inflict any damage to it. Later on it seems it did (or two SAMs that were able to land, which I believe is a bug)

      story final:
      attacked by sub unit managed to disembark and move ahead, sub is shooting at it (I wonder with what lol). I had similar situation not long time ago, just I had naval ship that stopped whole invasion...
      I can't upload SS 11-12, but it illustrate what I wrote above.

      The post was edited 5 times, last by Eternus ().

    • One unit can only attack one other units. Transport ships are pacifists, they don't attack, so they will not engage in combat by themselves, so if your sub is already bound int combat, it can't bound further units.

      At least that would be my guess. Instead of engaging in close combat shooting at them would have yield better results, causing splash damage?

      Also subs can't fight ground units and are probably not able to bind them. As far as I know, a ship would have kept them in combat even after disembarking.
    • I'll repeat: not long ago I had the same situation, just my ship was surface type, not sub. So from point of game mechanic both should work the same, thus I consider it a bug. So either both types can engage only one group of embarking units, or all of them (as surface ship did in my game recently). Sub not only didn't engaged all disembarking groups, but lost the one he was able to engage lol!
      Yeah, I could send missiles, but I was sure it will be the same case as with surface ship, so I didn't (why waste missiles?). Later was too late for that as enemy already disembarked and had anti missiles cover (from that group sub was able to engage for short time).
      It wasn't bound by lets say one group that withdrew to keep sub occupied before he could reach "beach", so it's not this case either (that would be legit and according to my knowledge about engine).