UAV Question + Updated Needed (No description for tier 1 flight range)

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    • UAV Question + Updated Needed (No description for tier 1 flight range)


      Firstly, the range in the tier 1 UAV's description needs to be added in. Currently there's no value outlining the units range for both the base research and after ''fuel-optimisation''

      Secondly, when you research tier 2 or higher, does the UAV attack units if on patrol?

      I ask this because I'd prefer the Tier 3 (stealth version) to just hover over armies garrisoned in cities and not attack them given it has <pwa data-pwa-id="pwa-699AB2B5890FD912A6354C08E150C5C3" data-pwa-rule-id="READABILITY_2264" data-pwa-category="" data-pwa-hint="Readability may be enhanced by removing this" data-pwa-suggestions="(omit)" data-pwa-heavy="false" data-pwa-dictionary-word="extremely " class="pwa-mark-done"><pwa data-pwa-id="pwa-1C181955F7CB4358BC435C127B176937" data-pwa-rule-id="READABILITY_2264" data-pwa-category="" data-pwa-hint="Readability may be enhanced by removing this" data-pwa-suggestions="(omit)" data-pwa-heavy="false" data-pwa-dictionary-word="extremely " class="pwa-mark-done">extremely low health and i'd prefer to know when the armies moves and not do a little bit of damage but then lose the UAV.

      If they do <pwa data-pwa-id="pwa-76F9460FF36893B9CC468BEB3791F1C1" data-pwa-rule-id="READABILITY_191" data-pwa-category="style" data-pwa-hint="Readability may be enhanced by removing this" data-pwa-suggestions="(omit)" data-pwa-heavy="false" data-pwa-dictionary-word="indeed " class="pwa-mark pwa-mark-done">indeed attack on patrol, seems like a garbage unit...

    • no atack only on comand atack (sure about army on land and sea i dont know if strike aircraft ) but i think that is in basic pasive unit before directly giv order atack just defend strike ...

      by the way reason more reseach level is last level stealht .. posible strike misile and wery long range after ... but in clasic game ... stealth on skilled player with you have war not so much help if he have radar or sams with detect stealht and on war with newbies ... not need stealth or misile .. so more level just depence on what hapens on map or need on map ( one time help me max level one time is make me looser becose nod invest in army ... ) most time i go on level II or III .. and after i havent spot to make lvl up it important unit to level UP ...