Country Change Ideas:

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    • Yeah, I'd love to see an Oceania alliance of, say, Solomon Island, New Caledonia, Fiji - you can add Vanuatu and Samoa to round it off to 5 cities.

      Be nice to see a Nepal - Bhutan - Bangladesh team, too. Perhaps Taiwan and Singapore join that team - could make for an interesting nation. Call it the Asian Tigers or something.

      I like how they merged those smaller countries together into unions.
    • Then you could add more provinces and make it like a small country like Caribbean Coalition, 40 VPS, probably around there. You could add in the other oceanic islands, French Polynesia, American Samoa, Tonga, Kiribati, Northern Mariana Islands, Tuvalu, Palau, Micronesia, Marshall Islands to get more vps to make it up to the 40 mark. It'd have to be like a navy air country for sure and you'd have to have an air base in every city so you can hop between cities since there won't be any two on the same island. It'd basically be a bunch of cities on islands with maybe a few provinces, the other islands of that country, and then just some islands everywhere. You'd have to have naval inf to clean up because like a third of the vps would be inaccessible without pontoon or naval inf.

      Also why is Israel playable in WW3 but not Overkill?

      You could probably remove a country so it stays at 100, but i don't know which one you would remove, maybe like Paraguay, and get an ai for South American countries, idk though, maybe one of the stans, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan.

      But yeah I like how they made like Baltic States, Balkan Union, Parlacen, Caribbean Coalition, Transcaucasia.

      In WW3 if they combine 5 of 6 of the EAF countries, why don't they add South Sudan to "Kenya" aka Kenya Tanzania Uganda Rwanda Burundi and then make it the East African Federation, then make Sudan playable.
      - "Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen."
    • I think they should merge the smaller ''Stans'' into a Stan Alliance - That'd open up a space for the Oceania alliance.

      I'd like to see more islands in the oceans, islands were an important feature during WWII for example; so more islands would be nice.

      Plus, that section of the map is a bit barren. So I'd open up more diplomacy or expansion options for NZ, Papua, Australia...

      The Oceania is an area of important significance in today's world, Australia is fighting China for influence in the region.