Gold bond & Game Ticket

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    • Gold bond & Game Ticket

      Gold bond

      Have you struggle to save up large amount money for the BEST PRICE and 300% extra gold that never come?
      Here let look at this very low price but worth deals! You will received daily gold for [A] amount, for day and in total [C] golds for only [D] price!

      example (note that i have no idea what is the base price so i use THB which is my local currency)

      at 450 THB I will get 55,000 gold (75% bonus)
      now let say I can pay 300 THB and I will get 850 gold everyday, for 65 day and in total for 55,250 gold.

      possible benefit:
      - more accessible price (?)
      - less p2w appearance (?) (lol plz don't ban this thread)
      - it could possibly lower amount of super golder (?) (the person that spend million of gold on day 1)
      because they have to spend a few amount of gold per day or accumulate it first.

      possible down side:
      - gold price might need to be rebalance all aboard

      Game Ticket

      Ever tire of staring the screen for hour to just join the 5/64 game but to see the country you want to play is already taken?
      Here a Game Ticket! select the campaign you desire and the country you want then just relax and wait for auto message to notify you that you are in!
      The ticket will automatically assign you to the game and country you choose!

      purpose benefit:
      - PROFIT, I think so many people would interested of this
      - could be in the season reward extra to the elite unit for future grinding

      purpose down side:
      - multi account could be more easy to join the same game. (?) maybe it can prevent to certain extent like only X Game ticket player will get assign to same game.
      - you guys have to code.... please don't kill me
      This post was made by Leader of the Church of ROAD
    • playbabe wrote:

      Game Ticket

      Ever tire of staring the screen for hour to just join the 5/64 game but to see the country you want to play is already taken?
      Here a Game Ticket! select the campaign you desire and the country you want then just relax and wait for auto message to notify you that you are in!
      The ticket will automatically assign you to the game and country you choose!

      purpose benefit:
      - PROFIT, I think so many people would interested of this
      - could be in the season reward extra to the elite unit for future grinding

      purpose down side:
      - multi account could be more easy to join the same game. (?) maybe it can prevent to certain extent like only X Game ticket player will get assign to same game.
      - you guys have to code.... please don't kill me
      Seems like someone Dorado could make money off. And if it costs either Gold or real money that would also prevent the multiaccounting problems and the problem you could get, when too many want to play the same nation in the same campaign. If the latter still happens, Dorado can just higher the prices for all Game Tickets or for just for the overwanted ones. And I presume the coding would be easier than creating a new map.
      a.k.a. jem and and eres