Evandro777 Private

  • Member since Sep 3rd 2022
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  • Evandro777 -


    First of all, I registered to the forum, but I dont receive nothing to post my answer. So, I am looking forur help from here in this message.


    I were playing at day 27 in game 4x ww3, and half of my soldiers and ships are alive after a fight.

    However, when I join the game today, I receive a "Defeat" message in my screen.

    I have all screenshots from today. I am not lost.

    I'll no receive the gold when this match end, because this fake and bug defeat.

    Can u help me pleaase by fixing this defeat bug?

    Note: I play all days...I dont leave the game any moment. I never receive a "military coup" message in the journal, and in the journal dont say nothing about this fake defeat.

    Note 2: In many games, like in this one, many guys is using multiple accounts in the same game. I belive that the Germany guy were using Ukraine to declare war against me, or someone else from his friendship at his social media.

    GAME ID: 5981625

    • Tzztzttztz -

      Conquer the territory

    • Evandro777 -

      Did the game make any update that make me lost insta all resources, missiles, and VP when a player lost his country? At April, like I said, I lost my entire territory, however I dont lost my resources, and dont got this "DEFEAT" message. I play at the end all days ang I receive my gold. Is obviously that this is a game bug. But the staff is not answering my question...do u know someone else from CON staff that should talk to me? Because I talk with moderators at Discord, but they dont help me. I try many moderators. The only one that make me a sugestion was the guy who told me to talk with a Game Dev. But that Game Dev dont respond me has 2 days or more!

  • Evandro777 -

    I dont receive email confirmation after register. I alread registered here today. Why I cannot ask for help? I have an urgent issue. Someone help me pleasae. Did have any other channel were I can contact ppl from CON Staff to help me, or only here in this forum that dont work???