
  • Member since Nov 20th 2022
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  • Judy Hopps -

    In the Flashpoint Europe map, Algeria and Iran are playable, and they're hardly ever chosen by "experienced" players. So what makes you think an experienced player is more likely to pick Spain?

    • Judy Hopps -

      And yes, Spain is the only playable European nation in my suggestion.

    • Hakaishin -

      Because from what I have seen there are more players from Europe than Africa and said Euro players will want to pick countries they are more familiar with ie European countries.

    • Judy Hopps -

      That’s why only one is available.

    • Hakaishin -

      Why not make it zero instead of one?

  • The Destroyer 4 -

    You traiter following KFG!


    • Hakaishin -

      He's so amusing tho. He gets so mad and takes it so personally when someone counters his arguments. Like...its just the internet bro. A little gentile ribbing and he demands the conversation to be immediately shut down and the thread locked. XD

    • The Destroyer 4 -

      He be acting like he's the smartest one like b_tch no the hell your not. That's whyt I want to become moderator that I can ban him.