Albanorski Private

  • Member since Jan 11th 2023
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  • Tifo_14 -

    Hi, I saw your thread about Serbia. The devs do group nations together sometimes, usually in areas of high congestion (like the Balkans or Central America) so there wouldn't be too many VPs in one small area. While I'm sure that this part was not intended to promote Serbia in any way, I do agree that they should remove "Greater Serbia" from Rising Tides. Maybe "New Yugo Slavia" would be more appropriate?

    • Albanorski -

      Thank you for your reply. I can understand why they would want to combine nations with each other so there are less of them, I still see areas of the map where this is not the case, like Central America (5) Korea (2) and Benelux (2)

    • Tifo_14 -

      The Central America region has been condensed (Belize and El Salvador are not on the map) as well as the Caribbean Islands area, where there is only one nation representing the Lesser Antilles. As for Benelux and Korea, the 2 nations in each of those regions are small enough to where it wouldn't make a major difference to the map, compared to the Balkan region, which already has several different human and AI countries.