Yak Community Lead

  • Male
  • Member since Dec 8th 2016
Last Activity

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  • cookmen -

    Hello ,
    I've been waiting for an answer from support since Monday.
    why have i been banned..because i have no idea why it is..
    please reply fast slow

  • milhaponi -

    Hi Yak I have a question
    If bug reports are only to be reported ingame, why is there a section on this forum for Bug Reports?

  • bshiloep -

    I can’t log in to any game

  • milhaponi -

    In my game I can’t get my destroyers to attack enemies! Please help! Game 6680014

  • cop midhalte -

    Unit sprites won't load in game 6650922

  • nikkisavi -

    Crunch Fitness is the perfect gym for all your exercise needs! Get personalized training with certified instructors and easy-to-understand workouts. Our campuses also include swimming pools, rock walls, a dining court, and lodging!

    Follow he link below to get a FREE 3-day trial!


  • arfyarfiehdsgil -


  • farginae -

    Waiting to be approved, thanks

  • icaro -

    Ola , Fui banido Contar : "SR Anonymouls" e nem sei o motivo do banimento... gostaria de saber , e tambem constar que fui lesado no jogo por conta de grandes compras que fiz para poder crescer no jogo .. tenho o historico de compras no aplicativo da GoogleStore .

  • wehdarman91 -

    how can i retrieve my account i lost my password thank you

  • joaquin13 -

    How do I build the elite frigate? I don’t know how

  • egget iii -


    I have been locked out of my account, but since the server is down, I cannot receive an email to get back in.

    Please help!

    My in game username is Egget III (those are three letter “i” s, and I live in Ireland.

    It would be great if I could get back in soon. Thank you for helping me!

  • Ivana Knoll -

    Hello, I’m Ivana Knoll, and I’m happy to tell you that you can now order my new CROKINI, part of my famous Croatia-inspired bikini and swimsuit collection made entirely in Croatia. You can also find other products, like my CROdress (regular or one-shoulder) and CROshorts for men! All the info is at my website, knolldoll.com! Follow me on Instagram for more updates!

  • RobertoGhYT -

    unban my account please
    my account has the name General Duck lode

  • nhoso pax -

    Hello, I no longer have the ability to purchase gold. Game ID: 6344471

  • whatabro -

    How long does it takes to approve a forum-account registration? Thank you.

  • coetz116 -

    Can you answer a question for me?

    How can I renew my SC membership without making a separate transaction?



  • bkn2 -

    I want to play in Hungarian

  • AONN -

    Hi, I accidentally deleted my account, can you reactivate it for me? Nickname Aonn

  • uiholeps -

    Hi, my username is uiholeps, and it seems someone hacked into my game and moved my units around! Game id: 6610081

  • robinfull -

    Dónde encuentro a Maxim , necesitamos crear un desafío de alianzas de elite. Ya tengo todos los datos y las dos alianzas estamos listos, me podrías ayudar por favor.

  • DarkVade9 -

    Hello, I wanted to know how you report a player in game, I have been searching around but can’t find any sort of report button. I wanted to report a player bc of false accusations and threatening to ban one of my friends in game. I would really like to know how to report someone.

  • Ceramichal -

    why did you ban my account? I spent a lot of money on this game and you're going to repay me with a ban? My account Ceramichal... Rank 31

  • sakkigir -

    Hi idk if you are a mod but plz help me i have been lodged out of my account and i seem to have lost my password so now I can not log back in!

    my username is sakkigir and i was rank 62

  • Warden -

    Hello can you add a report button from people within a certain level. From people who has two account on the same game.
    (Maybe level 30-50 can access the report)

  • A S U R -

    Account Name : A S U R
    Respected sir, Yesterday I purchased UNSC access costing 899 and the mode of payment is via Google. Play store. During purcjase i choosed a wrong product and then i make a payment. But I want to purchase some other in app purchasr. To make a correct Purchase I applied REFUND from GOOGLE PLAY STORE. After that, My Refund request was REVIEWED for lomger time and then decision made by the google play store is APPROVAL OF REFUND.

    After few moments I got a mail from GAME SERVER that my Account was blocked and then after few moments MY ACCOUNT WAS BANNED.

    Sir, Why this? I just want to repurchase my new product. Please restore my account as soon as possible. And if there is a requirement of repayment of 899. I am ready to pay. But Please RESTORE my GAME ACCOUNT.

    I already purchased Season 8 PASS and I love to play and thats why i Purchased Season 9 PASS. Please Restore I love my ID sir.

  • 123500000 -

    hello I was banned unfairly this was because i was around my friends and we were in the same collation and i thought I had a second account and then I put my 4g on and then it connected back to the wifi and then I got banned I am really annoyed and I know this is a precautionary action but i was upset about this is my username and game id


    game id: 6523469

  • TGH XxZer0xX -

    Hey ich kann nirgends reinschreiben.. Mein Account ist weg und ich habe viel Geld eingezahlt und kann niemanden von euch erreichen! Wie und wo muss ich mich melden !??

  • vimanas -

    ​hi, i seen your profile specially marked, im not sure if your a mod, or have any authority, but could you possibly look into a game im playing,

    we have someone making extreme progress, (not legitimate gains) i dm him being very nice, and curiously ask how much he spent on gold, and he replies he uses hacks,

    he was level 1 and now level 9 since the start of this game,

    can you verify if this player is using legitimate means of gold purchasing, or find out if he is abusing referal link's with bots, or something, for free unhonest gold etc, because what he said in dms was very suspicious, like blatant, said he was hacking,

    he deleted all messages on his end, but i am hopping and assuming mods can still see those in some sort of log,

    not saying any names here in public due to naming and shaming rules, but dm me back for details if needed

  • ComteJohn -

    waiting for my approve on forum.... Thank you