gettothechopper Private

  • Member since Dec 29th 2018
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  • gettothechopper -

    I'd like to write about joining new games.

    1. When joining a new game, you click on the game info icon, and can see how many people are in that game, and how many spots are available. But then you have to click on the button to join game.
    2. Once you have joined the game, you are then directed to pick a country. It is both having to press the join button, and also then this following screen I have the issue with.
    3. The 'pick a country' part, won't show you what state your country is in. You literally fall blindly into a rabbit hole. I have landed in games, where a new player has used all the resources up building useless buildings all over the country, and I see the futility of continuing, and exit without playing. But in doing so, it shows how many games you have played in the stats, but doesn't reflect the real amount of games you have actually played. Even if you press join game, and still don't like the countries on offer and exit, it will still show you as being kicked due to inactivity within the start time frame.
    4. We need bigger screens of the countries on selection, so we can see the borders, and if we are getting invaded before jumping into that country.

  • ross222 -

    also theres a question and answer section on forum where everybody can see the question and give an appropriate answer i almost didnt see youre comment

  • ross222 -

    to answer question one one the game you talked about up in the right corner of the game icon theres a small letter i click that it shortened to stand for the word information when you click this button another small page will come and in there is an archive button

  • gettothechopper -

    A couple of questions...1. Is there an option to quit a game instantly? I dropped into a game and took over a country, which had been disgracefully managed by previous player, and I had no insight into what a mess I was getting into. So instead of getting frustrated more by this particular game, I would like to just end it. I know that when I become inactive on that game, I will be kicked. But I was just wondering if there is a quicker way. And if there isn't, maybe there should be an instant quit button installed.

    2. When using the resource market, once you get down to a certain number of people, all resources seem to dry up. There may still be AI members, but they don't trade, and I refuse to spend gold on resources. That being said, maybe the developers could build a new trading market where resources are still available all game, by using players cash and other resources they want to trade. Also, why do you have pre set amounts for resources? If I want to offer them cheaper than the market rate, or even give them to my Alliance members, we should be able to do that. We can transport planes full of troops to countries all over the world, or transport ships, but we can't do the same for components, rare materials, fuel ect.??