Alphh Corporal

  • Member since Dec 8th 2016
Last Activity

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  • Teburuiswack -

    Please help me. My account is Antman171819 my Apple ID is [email protected] I was signed out but when I sign in now with my Apple ID I’m signed into a different account. Please help me.

  • Col_Anubis -

    Could you help user name change.

  • Caminhante_BR -

    Don't forget me.
    ive send another email to you

  • Bsavage -

    Is there a way to request a refund on gold used in game? I was locked out due to the server error during a critical moment and now my country that I spent gold on has been destroyed

  • Caminhante_BR -

    Alphh, can you take a look at my email? 8 days since ive send.
    thank you

  • Caminhante_BR -

    Alphh, can you take a look at my email? 8 days since ive send.
    thank you

  • C L E R I C -

    I need attention to my acct. When I log onto CON/ In game under my user name its fine but when I click to forums to set up forum acct it reverts me back to PFC ranking and will not allow me to set forum acct up. Please help.

  • Crash -

    I went to buy 72,000 in gold for 34.99 and was charged 75.00 usd and never received gold. I want a refund! Please

  • CHEMA555 -

    hello. this morning I bought 113,000 gold on the stock through PayPal for 13.99 EUR, the money was withdrawn and there is no gold, what to do, tell me please.

    • Dr. Leipreachan -

      Hey @CHEMA555 It would be best to contact support the easiest way to do this is to file a bug report from inside your game round, as it creates a ticket which will be sent to the payment dept/team/

  • coco0174 -

    The first question, how long does it take to be activated in the forum?
    The second concern is I lose TP without fighting, is that normal?

  • Frartan117 -

    Excuse me, I have registered myself the last friday in the forum but I still dont get permission to post. Do you know when I will get freedom to post?

  • zibi167 -

    Mam problem z transakcją ze złotem, mianowicie mam potwierdzenie przelewu, pokazało się że złoto naliczono a złota nie ma na koncie.
    Co mam zrobić w tym wypadku.
    Proszę o informacje

    • MONEYQ -

      Mam to samo, dwa razy zakupiłem złoto - raz Blinkiem, raz paypal. mija drugi dzień od tranzakcji i złota nie ma.

    • Alphh -

      Witam i dziękuję za skontaktowanie się ze mną. Przepraszam za to złe doświadczenie związane z kupowaniem złota.

      Proszę skontaktować się ze mną poprzez rozmowę na forum lub opublikować raport o błędzie w grze zatytułowany „Alphh - Problemy z płatnościami”

      Osobiście zbadam te zdarzenia.

      Dziękuję i miłego dnia

  • Simple -

    I think one person is playing with two acc. Can you check please .

    • Alphh -

      Hi Simple, pls create an in-game bug report about this and we will check

  • Sipo -

    Hello, I cant join my game 2837941, started it yesterday and I cant find it in games or in the search. Please help.

    • Alphh -

      Hi Sipo, I will start a conversation with you, let's discuss this there

    • Sipo -

      Where ? Its too late anyway, I lost too many days at the begining of the game, very frustrating

    • Alphh -

      It's at the top of the window, under "Conversations"


    Hi. Sorry if this is not the right place to post this, but it's now more than six hours I can't run my game #2583879. I swear I tried everythins and looked almost everywere before writing here. TU for Your attention.

    • Alphh -

      Hi SHRAPNE,

      Thank you for letting us know, we are investigating as we speak and I will keep you updated

    • SHRAPNE -

      Ok, tks. Let's hope my enemy suffered the same problem. We were excanging balistic missiles and Cruise like comfits. :)

    • Alphh -

      Please start a conversation with me via the forum so I can keep you updated, thank you for your patience!

    • SHRAPNE -

      Sorry: don't know how to do that, I tried via Discord and via "memssages" in the frum, but nether work with me. :( Thant _you_ for Your patience. So long... my be it can help: I don't know. Just a little bit of time before I tried to "reload" the game, bored by really unbeareble slowness, I launched a balistic missile against a City, but at the moment of the impact the system didn't me any message about hit, capture or anything about le missile. It was just like I hadn't launched it at all!! :)

    • Alphh -

      Hi Shrapne,

      Your issue should be now fixed! Please try to log into the game! and let me know :)

  • ltningmage -

    I have screen shots - do you want to know the game? game 2580032 joeybagadelli (ireland) is cheating. Just destroyed 2 infantry with 1 hit from a superiority fighter, then finished off 2 more infantry and a recon
    vehicle with 2 more hits. How to report a cheater???

    • Alphh -

      Hi Itningmage,

      Please submit a bug report about this so we can look into it.

      Have a nice day

  • Caminhante_BR -

    i`m asking helping about a problem, posted the question here, no answer from email,no answer from steam forum and you just deleted my conversation.

    • Alphh -

      Hi Caminhante_BR, my wall is not used to answer questions. We have received your latest e-mail response and we will tackle it today.

  • RedDredd -

    I have 2 helicopters stuck in transport trucks that will not unload. They are at an airfield than has been damaged. Must the airfield be undamaged to unload them?

    • Alphh -

      Hi RedDredd,

      Please submit a bug-report about this issue so we can investigate this further!

  • JosephFrost -

    Thanks a ton for getting back to me on that model! Looks great!

  • JulesTheKiller -

    thank you for fixing the problem

  • kacsak -

    Hi! help me please! I'm playing via armorgames, and I'd like to try by steam, but how can I log in to my exist account? armorgames login let me in automatically without a password.

    • Alphh -

      Hi Kacsak,

      Thank you for reaching out! Lets conversate via private chat so we can sort this out!

  • Mohamed_Nay -

    hi i would like to delete my game account can u please tell me how and where i can do it?

    • Alphh -

      Hi, please contact me personally via conversation so we can tackle this. Thanks!

  • Jackpinesavage -

    Could not activate game 2019855 on server, your game is currently unavailable or does not exist anymore, please try again later.