
  • from Пиргово
  • Member since Jun 17th 2019
Last Activity

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  • 737373elj -

    I’m sure I had take Panama on Day 2... no matter

  • CandyCzar -

    GameID: 3230636
    password: doradoftw

    western countries left TurkeyArgentina,Pakistan,Saudi Arabia,Egypt.

  • 737373elj -

    BTW, must you be in a coalition to enter the game?

    • CandyCzar -

      No need to be in any alliance or coalition to enter .Once you enter you join coalition inside your doctrine .

    • CandyCzar -

      GameID: 3230636
      password: doradoftw

      western countries left TurkeyArgentina,Pakistan,Saudi Arabia,Egypt.

    • CandyCzar -

      GameID: 3230636
      password: doradoftw

      western countries left TurkeyArgentina,Pakistan,Saudi Arabia,Egypt.

  • CandyCzar -

    Leader of Bulgaria 632AD