
  • Member since Mar 26th 2020
Last Activity

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  • Ankalaev -

    Do you know how I can delete the games or can it only be archived?

  • Ankalaev -

    Do you know how I can create games in this game?

  • Gysmo21 -

    Hello Beautiful Cat,
    Thank you for your answer Pafufu,
    i have paid 49.99 Euro to have Gold when it was -15%5 during 10 minutes) but they don t apply the reduction, a other day it was put automaticly, but yesterday not. I join the Credit Card center but they tell me i must say where i play it s the Game La poudriere. But i don t see anywhere to whrite my complainte, Gysmo21

  • Ankalaev -

    Amigo sabes como crear partidas en este juego?

    • Pafufu -

      Ok, my Spanish is pretty rusty. But I think your asking me to join a game.

      I'm sorry, I can't.

      Lo siento, no puedo.

  • Gysmo21 -

    Can you tell me where i can find a small flag to create a coalition. Thank you. Gysmo

    • Pafufu -

      There is a thread that gives links to a lot of flags on the forum. I would search for that.
      By the way, love your profile pic

  • Wade97Wade -

    Please stop messaging my 10 year old daughter. Thank you.

    • Pafufu -

      What do you mean?

    • Pafufu -

      What is the context of this? Harassment is not ok, and if you were talking about my posts I was trying to help rein in toxic behavior on the forum.

    • Pafufu -

      I don’t know who you are. Was this a private message? Are you referring to the posts on @Wade97Wade’s wall?

    • Pafufu -

      Is this taking place outside of the forums? If so, I’m not connected to that in any way.

    • Pafufu -

      Also if so I would recommend reporting that to the police if it is a repeated behavior.

  • Wade97Wade -

    Don’t insult others unnecessarily. Unkindness, especially when wrong, will not be tolerated.

    Last warning Pafufu

  • Pafufu -

    Hi! I’m Pafufu, which means overlord/cat. I’m a middling CON player that likes to offer what experience and knowledge I have. Good luck in your conquests.

  • Pafufu -
