Anna Jija
- from Borşa, Transylvania (TEMPORARY)
- Member since Jan 21st 2022
- Last Activity
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Tifo_14 -
Maybe the Russians got her...?
je parle que le français mais sa me dérange pas que tu vienne sur mon site pour apprendre le français . part contre ne me demande pas d'apprendre tas langue car je suis français et je le revendique a part entière ce n'est pas du raciste je revendique simplement la maison française dans toute sa splendeur et sa lumière aux dehors de ces frontière.
Clock -
Meh I guess toxic responder is the right word
KFGauss -
Anna - Knowing what I'm going to write here might help you when you're talking to North Americans - We generally don't think of Poles or Germans Greeks or Swedes or Italians or Finns or Ukrainians or Russians or ... as "races" - We generally just think of them as Europeans. Maybe that's out of ignorance - I know there are many differences across/among those populations. Regardless, it is what it is. So, if you call someone in North America a "racist" because they insulted or praised one of those groups and not the other ones, what you are trying to say to that person will probably be misunderstood.
Re Nigo -
I can’t play the game anymore. The game was working perfectly until this morning, but now i am blocked on a black screen after entering a game. I tried with another match but nothing, i also tried installing the app again but nothing. What can i do?
Hello i cannot go in the game it leaves me to the loading screen and buts me to lvl 1 and i just wanna play the game plz help me
KFGauss -
What has gotten you so upset with me?
KFGauss -
Read again - I did not attack anyone's playing style - I disagreed with anyone who claimed to know the game developers intentions if they didn't have a direct conversation with the game developers about that subject.
My second post that seem to really get you lit was me saying exactly that I wasn't attacking how people choose to play the game. I was instead disagreeing with people who try to tell others that they (the author) know how the game should be played.
Cdr...42 in particular looks at some mechanisms developers put into in the game, and ignores other mechanisms put into the game by the exact same developers, and decides that the ones he likes are the obviously correct ones. That's just not how the world works.
Me pointing that out isn't an attack on his playing style, or yours. It is a disagreement with faulty thinking about what the developers intended. -
KFGauss -
Please double-check that.
I see two separate times where I sent grumpy replies to some pretty hostile words that came from you, but I don't see any place where I attacked you.
If when you look again, you still feel that I attacked you, it wasn't my intention.
Tifo_14 -
Do you actually live in the Ukraine?
Flat Stanley -
What happened to you, you used to be so active here